United States
Environmental Protection
Office of Water (4203)
Washington, DC 20460
May 2007
The Long-Term Control Plan-
EZ (LTCP-EZ) Template:
A Planning Tool for CSO Control
in Small Communities
The LTCP-EZ Template: A Planning Tool for CSO Control in Small Communities
Table of Contents
BACKGROUND...................................................................................................................................................................... 1
INSTRUCTIONS: FORM LTCP-EZ ........................................................................................................................................ 5
General Information ................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Nine Minimum Controls (Schedule 1—NMC) ......................................................................................................................... 6
Sensitive Areas ....................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Water Quality Considerations ................................................................................................................................................. 7
System Characterization (Schedule 2—MAP) ........................................................................................................................ 8
Public Participation (Schedule 3—PUBLIC PARTICIPATION)............................................................................................. 10
CSO Volume (Schedule 4—CSO VOLUME)........................................................................................................................ 11
Evaluation of CSO Controls (Schedule 5—CSO CONTROL) .............................................................................................. 11
Affordability (Schedule 6—CSO AFFORDABILITY) ............................................................................................................. 11
Recommended CSO Control Plan ........................................................................................................................................ 12
INSTRUCTIONS: SCHEDULE 4 – CSO VOLUME.............................................................................................................. 14
Sub-Sewershed Area ............................................................................................................................................................ 16
Runoff.................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Dry Weather Flow Within the CSS........................................................................................................................................ 17
Peak Wet Weather Flow ....................................................................................................................................................... 17
Overflow ................................................................................................................................................................................ 17
Diversion ............................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Conveyance .......................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Treatment.............................................................................................................................................................................. 19
CSO Volume ......................................................................................................................................................................... 20
INSTRUCTIONS: SCHEDULE 5 – CSO CONTROL .......................................................................................................... .21
Conveyance and Treatment at the WWTP ........................................................................................................................... 23
Inflow Reduction – Residential.............................................................................................................................................. 23
Sewer Separation.................................................................................................................................................................. 24
Off-Line Storage.................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Summary of Controls and Costs ........................................................................................................................................... 24
INSTRUCTIONS: SCHEDULE 6 – CSO AFFORDABILITY ................................................................................................ 26
Phase I Residential Indicator ................................................................................................................................................ 27
Current Costs ........................................................................................................................................................................ 27
Projected Costs (Current Dollars) ......................................................................................................................................... 27
Cost Per Household .............................................................................................................................................................. 28
Median Household Income (MHI) ......................................................................................................................................... 28
Residential Indicator.............................................................................................................................................................. 29
Phase II Permittee Financial Capability Indicators................................................................................................................ 29
Debt Indicators ...................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Overall Net Debt.................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Socioeconomic Indicators ..................................................................................................................................................... 31
Unemployment Rate ............................................................................................................................................................. 31
Median Household Income ................................................................................................................................................... 32
Financial Management Indicators ......................................................................................................................................... 32
Property Tax and Collection Rate ......................................................................................................................................... 33
Matrix Score: Analyzing Permittee Financial Capability Indicators....................................................................................... 33
GLOSSARY ..........................................................................................................................................................................35
The LTCP-EZ Template: A Planning Tool for CSO Control in Small Communities
AF – Annualization Factor
BOD – Bioche
mical Oxygen Demand
CPH – Costs per Household
CPI – Consumer Price Index
CSO – Combined Sewer Overflow
CSS – Combined Sewer System
DO – Dissolved Oxygen
DMR – Discharge Monitoring Report
DWF – Dry Weather Flow
EPA – Environmental Protection Agency
FWS – Fish and Wildlife Service
I/I – Inflow/Infiltration
IR – Interest Rate
LTCP – Long-term Control Plan
MG – Million Gallons
MGD – Million Gallons per Day
MHI – Median Household Income
NOAA – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NMC – Nine Minimum Controls
NMFS – National Marine Fisheries Service
NPDES – National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
POTW – Publicly Owned Treatment Works
TMDL – Total Maximum Daily Load
TSS – Total Suspended Solids
WQS – Water Quality Standards
WWT – Wastewater Treatment
WWTP – Wastewater Treatment Plant
The LTCP-EZ Template: A Planning Tool for CSO Control in Small Communities
What is the LTCP-EZ Template and what is its Purpose?
The combined sewer overflow (CSO) Long-Term Control Plan (LTCP) Template for Small Communities (termed the
“LTCP-EZ Template”) is a planning tool for small communities that have requirements to develop a LTCP to address
CSOs. The LTCP-EZ Template provides a framework for organization and completion of a LTCP that builds upon existing
controls and leads to the elimination or control of CSOs in accordance with the federal Clean Water Act. Use of the LTCP-
EZ Template and completion of the forms and schedules associated with the LTCP-EZ Template can produce a Draft
The LTCP-EZ Template consists of FORM LTCP-EZ and related schedules and instructions. It provides a starting place
and a framework for small communities for organization and analysis of basic information that is central to effective CSO
control planning. Specifically, FORM LTCP-EZ and Schedules 1 – NINE MINIMUM CONTROLS, 2 – MAP, and 3 –
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION allow organization of some of the basic information required to comply with the CSO policy.
Schedule 4 CSO VOLUME provides a process for assessing CSO control needs under the “presumption approach.” It
allows the permittee or other user (the term permittee will be used throughout this document, but the term should be
interpreted to include any users of the LTCP-EZ Template) to estimate a target volume of combined sewage that needs to
be stored, treated, or eliminated. Schedule 5 CSO CONTROL enables the permittee to evaluate the ability of a small but
widely used set of CSO controls to meet the reduction target. Finally, Schedule 6 – CSO AFFORDABILITY provides an
EPA affordability analysis to determine the community’s financial capabilities. Permittees are free to use FORM LTCP-EZ
and as many schedules as needed to meet their local needs and requirements. FORM LTCP-EZ and its schedules are
available in hard copy format or as computer-based spreadsheets.
This publication provides background information on the CSO Control Policy and explains the data and information
requirements, technical assessments, and calculations that are addressed in the LTCP-EZ Template and are necessary
for its application.
What is the Relationship Between LTCP-EZ and the CSO Control Policy?
The Clean Water Act Section 402(q) and the CSO Control Policy (EPA 830-B-94-001) (http://www.epa.gov/npdes/
pubs/owm0111.pdf) require permittees with combined sewer systems (CSSs) that have CSOs to undertake a process to
accurately characterize their sewer systems, demonstrate implementation of the nine minimum controls (NMC), and
develop a LTCP. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognizes that resource constraints make it difficult
for small communities to prepare a detailed LTCP. Section I.D of the CSO Control Policy states that:
The scope of the LTCP, including the characterization, monitoring and modeling, and evaluation of alternatives
portions of the Policy may be difficult for some small CSSs. At the discretion of the NPDES Authority, jurisdictions with
populations under 75,000 may not need to complete all of the formal steps outlined in Section II.C. of this Policy, but
should be required through their permits or other enforceable mechanisms to comply with the nine minimum control
(II.B), public participation (II.C.2), and sensitive areas (II.C.3) portions of this Policy. In addition, the permittee may
propose to implement any of the criteria contained in this Policy for evaluation of alternatives described in II.C.4.
Following approval of the proposed plan, such jurisdictions should construct the control projects and propose a
monitoring program sufficient to determine whether water quality standards are obtained and designated use are
EPA developed the LTCP-EZ Template, in part, because it recognizes that expectations for the scope of the LTCP for
small communities may be different than for larger communities. However, the LTCP-EZ Template does not replace the
statutory and regulatory requirements applicable to CSOs; those requirements continue to apply to the communities using
this template. Nor does its use ensure that a community using the LTCP-EZ Template will necessarily be deemed to be in
compliance with those requirements. It is hoped, however, that use of the LTCP-EZ Template will facilitate compliance by
small communities with those legal requirements and simplify the process of developing a LTCP.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Each permittee should discuss use of the LTCP-EZ Template and coordinate with the
appropriate regulatory authority or with their permit writer and come to an agreement with the permitting authority
on whether use of the LTCP-EZ Template or components thereof is acceptable for the community.
Who Should Use the LTCP-EZ Template?
The LTCP-EZ Template is designed as a planning tool for use by small communities that have not developed LTCPs and
have limited resources to invest in CSO planning. It is intended to assist small communities in developing an LTCP that
will build on NMC implementation and lead to additional elimination and reduction of CSOs where needed. CSO
communities using the LTCP-EZ Template should recognize that this planning tool
is for use in facility-level planning. Use
of the LTCP-Template should be based upon a solid understanding of local conditions that cause CSOs. CSO
communities should familiarize themselves with all of the technical analyses required by the LTCP-EZ planning process.
CSO communities should obtain the assistance of qualified technical professionals (e.g., qualified engineer, hydraulic
expert, etc.) to assist with completion of analyses if they are unable to complete the LTCP-EZ Template on their own.
More detailed design studies will be required for construction of new facilities.
The LTCP-EZ Template is particularly well suited for small CSO communities that have relatively uncomplicated CSSs.
The use of the LTCP-EZ Template may or may not be suitable for large CSO communities with populations of greater
than 75,000 or even for the largest of the small CSO communities. Large CSO communities and small CSO communities
that have many CSO outfalls and complex systems may need to take a more sophisticated approach to LTCP
development, and this should be evaluated by consultation with regulators as discussed above.
Because the LTCP-EZ uses a specific approach to analyzing the CSS and controlling CSOs, these instructions
emphasize the need for dialogue between small CSO communities and their appropriate regulatory authority on use of the
LTCP-EZ Template. Both the permittee and the permitting agency should evaluate the applicability of the LTCP-EZ.
The LTCP-EZ Template is intended to provide a very simple assessment of CSO control needs. As such, it may reduce
effort and costs associated with CSO control development. However, permittees should bear in mind that due to its
simple nature, the LTCP-EZ Template may not evaluate a full range of potential CSO control approaches.
What Approach is used in the LTCP-EZ Template?
Schedules 4 - CSO VOLUME and Schedule 5 – CSO CONTROL use the “presumption approach” described in the CSO
Control Policy to quantify the volume of combined sewage that needs to be stored, treated, or eliminated. The CSO
Control Policy describes two alternative approaches available to communities to establish that their LTCPs are adequate
to meet the water quality-based requirements of the Clean Water Act: the “presumption approach” and the
“demonstration approach” (Policy Section II.C.4.a.) The “presumption approach” sets forth criteria that, when met, are
presumed to provide an adequate level of control to meet the water quality-based requirements:
… would be presumed to provide an adequate level of control to meet water quality-based requirements of the Clean
Water Act, provided the permitting authority determines that such presumption is reasonable in light of data and
analysis conducted in the characterization, monitoring, and modeling of the system and the consideration of sensitive
areas described above (in Section II.C.4.a). These criteria are provided because data and modeling of wet weather
events often do not give a clear picture of the level of CSO controls necessary to protect WQS (water quality
The estimation of a target volume of combined sewage that needs to be stored, treated, or eliminated in Schedule 4 –
CSO VOLUME in the LTCP-EZ Template uses the “presumption approach” described in the CSO Control Policy.
The permittee is advised to consider a limited rainfall and flow monitoring program. Performance of simple regression
analyses (e.g., rainfall vs. flow response) can be used to refine the LTCP-EZ Template output and increase confidence in
the sizing of controls generated using the LTCP-EZ Template. The permittee can refer to EPA’s Combined Sewer
Overflows Guidance for Monitoring and Modeling (EPA 832-B-99-002, January 1999)
) for examples of this approach to rainfall response characterization.
Selected criterion under the “presumption approach” used in the LTCP-EZ Template
The CSO Control Policy allows a community’s LTCP to meet any one of three criteria to be “presumed to provide an
adequate level of control . . . .” The LTCP-EZ Template uses one of those criteria only, set forth in section II.C.4.a.i. as
The LTCP-EZ Template: A Planning Tool for CSO Control in Small Communities
No more than an average of four overflow events per year, provided that the permitting authority may allow up to two
additional overflow events per year. For the purpose of this criterion, an overflow event is one or more overflows from
a CSS as the result of a precipitation event that does not receive the minimum treatment specified below.
The “minimum treatment specified” with respect to the criteria in Section II.C.4.a.i. of the CSO Control Policy is defined as:
Primary clarification; removal of floatable and settleable solids may be achieved by any combination of treatment
technologies or methods that are shown to be equivalent to primary clarification;
Solids and floatable disposal; and
Disinfection of effluent, if necessary, to meet water quality standards, protect designated uses, and protect human
health, including removal of harmful disinfection chemical residuals, where necessary.
This approach is used because the criteria set forth under the “presumption approach” lend themselves to quantification
with simple procedures and a standardized format.
Calculations within Schedule 4 - CSO VOLUME and Schedule 5 – CSO CONTROL
Schedules 4 and 5 use design storm conditions to assess the degree of CSO control required to meet the average of four
overflow events per year criteria. Design storms are critical rainfall conditions that occur with a predictable frequency.
They are used with simple calculations to quantify the volume of combined sewage to be stored, treated, or eliminated to
meet the criterion of no more than four overflows per year, on average. The “design storm” is explained in further detail in
the instructions for Schedule 4 – CSO VOLUME.
The LTCP-EZ Template also provides permittees with simple methods to assess the costs and effectiveness of a variety
of CSO control alternatives in Schedule 5 – CSO CONTROL.
Use of the “presumption approach” and the use of Schedules 4 and 5 may not be appropriate for every community. Some
states have specific requirements that are inconsistent with Schedules 4 and 5. Also use of the LTCP-EZ Template does
not preclude permitting authorities from requesting clarification or requiring additional information. Permittees should
consult with the appropriate regulatory authority to determine whether or not the “presumption approach” and its
interpretation under Schedules 4 and 5 are appropriate for their local circumstances.
How is Affordability Assessed?
The CSO Financial Capability Assessment Approach outlined in EPA’s Combined Sewer Overflows–Guidance for
Financial Capability Assessment and Schedule Development (EPA 832-B-97-004) is contained in Schedule 6 – CSO
AFFORDABILITY. (http://www.epa.gov/npdes/pubs/csofc.pdf
The LTCP-EZ Template is an optional CSO control planning tool for small communities. It provides one approach for
assembling and organizing the information required in an LTCP. FORM LTCP-EZ and Schedules 1 (Nine Minimum
Controls), 2 (Map) and 3 (Public Participation) allow organization of some of the basic elements to comply with the CSO
policy. Schedule 4 CSO VOLUME allows the permittee to estimate a target volume of combined sewage that needs to
be stored, treated, or eliminated. Schedule 5 CSO CONTROL enables the permittee to evaluate the ability of a small but
widely used set of CSO controls to meet the reduction target. FORM LTCP-EZ and its schedules are available in hard
copy format or as computer-based spreadsheets. Schedule 6 – CSO AFFORDABILITY provides an EPA affordability
analysis to assess the community’s financial capabilities.
The CSO Control Policy and all of EPA’s CSO guidance documents can be found at the following link:
This page is intentionally blank.
The LTCP-EZ Template: A Planning Tool for CSO Control in Small Communities
FORM LTCP-EZ encompasses all of the information that most small CSO communities need to develop a draft LTCP.
This includes characterization of the CSS, documentation of NMC implementation, documentation of public participation,
identification and prioritization of sensitive areas where present, and evaluation of CSO control alternatives and
The LTCP-EZ Template includes a form (Form LTCP-EZ) and schedules for
organizing the following information:
Using the Electronic Forms for the
LTCP-EZ Template
The electronic version of the LTCP-EZ
Template forms have cells that link data in
one worksheet to other worksheets, and
therefore it is important that you work on
the worksheets in order and fill in all of the
pertinent information. If you are filling in the
LTCP-EZ Template forms by hand, you will
have to copy the information from one form
into the other.
General information about the CSS, the wastewater treatment plant
(WWTP) and the community served
NMC implementation activities (Schedule 1 NMC)
Sensitive Area considerations
Water quality considerations
System characterization, including a map of the CSS (Schedule 2
Public participation activities (Schedule 3 PUBLIC
CSO volume that needs to be controlled (Schedule 4 CSO
Evaluation of CSO controls (Schedule 5 CSO CONTROL)
Affordability analysis (Schedule 6 CSO AFFORDABILITY)
Recommended CSO Control Plan, including financing plan and implementation schedule.
Permittees intending to use the LTCP-EZ Template should assemble the following information:
The NPDES permit.
General information about the CSS and the WWTP including sub-
sewershed delineations for individual CSO outfalls and the
capacities of hydraulic control structures, interceptors, and
wastewater treatment processes.
Relevant engineering studies and facility plans for the sewer system
and WWTP if available.
Maps for sewer system.
General demographic information for the community.
General financial information for the community.
A summary of historical actions and current programs that represent
implementation of the NMCs. The NMC are controls that can reduce
CSOs and their effects on receiving waters, do not require significant
engineering studies or major construction, and can be implemented in a relatively short period (e.g., less than
approximately two years).
Guidance from EPA
EPA has developed the Combined Sewer
Overflows Guidance For Long-Term
Control Plan (EPA 832-B-95-002)
document to assist municipalities with
developing a long-term control plan that
includes technology-based and water
quality-based control measures that are
technically feasible, affordable, and
consistent with the CSO Control Policy.
Information on water quality conditions in local waterbodies that receive CSO discharges.
Once complete, the LTCP-EZ Template (FORM LTCP-EZ with accompanying schedules) can serve as a draft LTCP for a
small community. All of the schedules provided in the LTCP-EZ Template may not be appropriate for every permittee. It
may not be necessary to use all of the schedules provided in this template in order to complete a draft LTCP. In addition,
permittees can attach the relevant documentation to FORM LTCP-EZ in a format other than the schedules provided in the
LTCP-EZ Template.
General Information
Line 1 – Community Information.
Enter the community name,
National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) permit
number, owner/operator, facility
name, mailing address, telephone
number, fax number, and email
address, as well as the date.
Line 2 – System Type. Identify the
type of system that this LTCP is
being developed for:
NPDES permit for a CSS with a
NPDES permit for a CSS
without a WWTP
Line 3a – CSS. Enter the total area
served by the CSS in acres.
Line 3b – Enter the number of
permitted CSO outfalls.
Line 4 – WWTP. Enter the following
information for WWTP capacity in
million gallons per day (MGD).
Line 4a – Primary treatment
capacity in MGD.
Line 4b – Secondary treatment
capacity in MGD.
Line 4c – Average dry weather
flow in MGD. Dry weather flow
(DWF) is the base sanitary flow
delivered to a CSS in periods
without rainfall or snowmelt. It
represents the sum of flows
from homes, industry,
commercial activities, and
infiltration. Dry weather flow is
usually measured at the WWTP
and recorded on a Discharge
Monitoring Report (DMR).
For the purposes of the
calculation in the LTCP-EZ
Template, base
sanitary flow is
assumed to be constant. There
is no need to adjust entries for
diurnal or seasonal variation.
Nine Minimum Controls
The CSO Control Policy (Section
II.B.) sets out nine minimum
controls, which are technology-
based controls that communities are
expected to use to address CSO
problems, without undertaking
extensive engineering studies or
significant construction costs,
before long-term measures are
taken. Permittees with CSSs
experiencing CSOs should have
implemented the NMC with
appropriate documentation by
January 1, 1997.The NMC are:
NMC 1. Proper operations and
regular maintenance programs
for the CSS and CSO outfalls.
NMC 2. Maximum use of the
CSS for storage.
NMC 3. Review and
modification of pretreatment
requirements to ensure CSO
impacts are minimized.
NMC 4. Maximizing flow to the
publicly-owned treatment works
(POTW) for treatment.
NMC 5. Prohibition of CSOs
during dry weather.
NMC 6. Control of solid and
floatable materials in CSOs.
NMC 7. Pollution prevention
NMC 8. Public notification to
ensure that the public receives
adequate notification of CSO
occurrences and CSO impacts.
NMC 9. Monitoring to effectively
characterize CSO impacts and
the efficacy of CSO controls.
Line 5 – NMC. Permittees can
attach previously submitted
n on NMC
implementation, or they can use
Schedule 1 NMC to document
NMC activities. Please check the
appropriate box on Line 5 to
indicate how documentation of NMC
implementation is provided.
If Schedule 1 NMC is used,
please do
cument the activities
taken to implement the NMC.
Documentation should include
information that demonstrates:
The alternatives considered
for each minimum control
The actions selected and
the reasons for their
The selected actions
already implemented
A schedule showing
additional steps to be taken
The effectiveness of the
minimum controls in
reducing/eliminating water
quality impacts (in reducing
the volume, frequency, and
impact of CSOs).
Leave the description blank if no
activities have been undertaken for
a particular NMC. See EPA’s
Combined Sewer Overflows
Guidance for Nine Minimum
Controls (EPA 832-B-95-003) for
examples of NMC activities and for
further guidance on NMC
Sensitive Areas
Permittees are expected to give the
highest priority to controlling CSOs
to sensitive areas. (CSO Control
Policy Section II.C.3.) Permittees
should identify all sensitive
waterbodies and the CSO outfalls
that discharge to them. The
identification of sensitive areas can
direct the selection of CSO control
alternatives. In accordance with the
CSO Control Policy, the LTCP
should give the highest priority to
the prohibition of new or
significantly increased overflow
(whether treated or untreated) to
designated sensitive areas.
Sensitive areas, as identified in the
CSO Control Policy, include:
The LTCP-EZ Template: A Planning Tool for CSO Control in Small Communities
Outstanding National
Resource Waters. These are
waters that have been
designated by some (but not all)
states: “[w]here high quality
waters constitute an
outstanding National resource,
such as waters of National
Parks, State parks and wildlife
refuges, and waters of
exceptional recreational or
ecological significance, that
water quality shall be
maintained and protected” (40
CFR 122.12(a)(3)). Tier III
Waters and Class A Waters are
sometimes used to designate
Outstanding National Resource
Waters. State water quality
standards authorities are the
best source of information on
the presence of identified
Outstanding National Resource
National Marine Sanctuaries.
The National Oceanic and
mospheric Administration
(NOAA) is the trustee for the
nation's system of marine
protected areas, to conserve,
protect, and enhance their
biodiversity, ecological integrity
and cultural legacy. Information
on the location of National
Marine Sanctuaries can be
found at:
Waters with Threatened or
Endangered Species and
their Habitat. Information on
threatened and endangered
species can be identified by
contacting the Fish and Wildlife
Service (FWS), NOAA
Fisheries, or State or Tribal
Heritage Center or by checking
resources such as the FWS
website at http://www.fws.gov/
endangered/wildlife.html. If
there are listed species in the
area, contact the appropriate
local agency to determine if the
listed species could be affected
or if any critical habitat areas
have been designated in
waterbodies that receive CSO
Waters with Primary Contact
Recreation: State water quality
standards authorities are the
best source of information on
the location of waters
designated for primary contact
Public Drinking Water Intakes
or their Designated
Protection Areas. State water
quality standards and water
supply authorities are the best
source of information on the
location of public drinking water
intakes or their designated
protection areas. EPA’s Report
to Congress Impacts and
Control of CSOs and SSOs
identified 59 CSO outfalls in
seven states located within one
mile upstream of a drinking
water intake (EPA 2004).
Shellfish Beds. Shellfish
harvesting can be a designated
use of a waterbody. State water
quality standards authorities are
a good source of information on
the location of waterbodies that
are protected for shellfish
harvesting. In addition, the
National Shellfish Register of
Classified Estuarine Waters
provides a detailed analysis of
the shellfish growing areas in
coastal waters of the United
States. Information on the
location of shellfish beds can be
found at http://gcmd.nasa.gov/
Contact the appropriate state and
federal agencies to determine if
sensitive areas are present in the
area of the CSO. EPA recommends
that the permittee attach all
documentation of research
regarding sensitive areas and/or
contacts with agencies providing
that information (including research
on agency websites) to the LTCP-
EZ Template forms. In addition, the
permittee is encouraged to attach
maps or other materials that provide
back-up information regarding the
evaluation of sensitive areas.
Line 6a – Indicate if sensitive areas
are present. Answer Yes or No. If
sensitive areas are present,
proceed to Line 6b and answer
questions 6b, 6c, and 6d. Also
provide an explanation of how the
determination was made that
sensitive areas are present. If
sensitive areas are not present,
proceed to Line 7.
Line 6b – Enter the type(s) of
sensitive areas present (e.g., public
beach, drinking water intake) for
each CSO receiving water.
Line 6c – List the permitted CSO
outfall(s) that may be impacting the
sensitive areas. Add detail on
impacts where available (e.g., CSO
outfall is located within a sensitive
area, beach closures have occurred
due to overflows, etc.).
Line 6d – Are sensitive areas
impacted by CSO discharges?
Answer Yes or No. If sensitive
areas are present but not impacted
by CSO discharges, then provide
documentation on how the
determination was made and
proceed to Line 7.
More detailed study may be
necessary if sensitive
areas are present and
impacted by CSO discharges.
Under these circumstances, use of
the “presumption approach” in the
LTCP-EZ Template may not be
appropriate. The permittee should
contact the permitting authority for
further instructions on use of the
LTCP-EZ Template and/or the
“presumption approach”.
Water Quality
The main impetus for
implementation of CSO controls is
attainment of water quality
standards, including designated
uses. Permittees are expected to be
knowledgeable about water quality
conditions in local waterbodies that
receive CSO discharges. At a
minimum, permittees should check
to see if the local waterbodies have
been assessed under the 305(b)
program by the state water quality
standards agency as being “good”,
“threatened” or “impaired”.
Waters designated as impaired are
included on a state’s 303(d) list. A
total maximum daily load (TMDL) is
required for each pollutant causing
impairment. EPA’s recent Report to
Congress Impacts and Control of
CSOs and SSOs (EPA 833-R-04-
001) identified the three causes of
reported 303(d) impairment most
likely to be associated with CSOs:
Organic enrichment leading to
low dissolved oxygen (DO)
Sediment and siltation
Some states identify sources of
impairment, and the activities or
conditions that generate the
pollutants causin
g impairment (e.g.,
WWTPs or agricultural runoff).
CSOs are tracked as a source of
impairment in some but not all CSO
If local waterbodies receiving CSO
discharges ar
e impaired, permittees
should check with the permitting
authority to determine whether or
not the pollutants associated with
CSOs are cited as a cause of
impairment, or if CSOs are listed as
a source of impairment. In addition,
permittees should check with the
permitting authority to see if a
TMDL study is scheduled for local
waterbodies to determine the
allocation of pollutant loads,
including pollutant loads in CSO
The 305(b) water quality
assessment information can be
found at http://www.epa.gov/
. Note that
not all waters are assessed under
state programs.
A national summary on the status
of the TMDL program in each state
can be found at
Note that not all waters are listed.
Line 7a – Indicate if local
es are listed by the
permitting authority as impaired.
Answer Yes or No. If No, then the
permittee may continue to Line 8.
Line 7b – Indicate the causes or
sources of impairment for each
impaired waterbody.
Line 7c – Indicate if a TMDL has
been scheduled to determine the
allocation of pollutant loads. Answer
Yes or No. If yes, provide the date.
If the identified waterbodies
have been assessed as
threatened or impaired
under the 305(b) program, and if
CSOs are cited as a source of
impairment or if the pollutants found
in CSOs are listed as a cause of
impairment, then CSOs likely cause
or contribute to a recognized water
quality problem. Under these
circumstances, permittees should
check with the permitting authority
to confirm that use of the LTCP-EZ
Template and/or the “presumption
approach” is appropriate.
If the waterbodies are not
designated by the permitting
authority as impaired or if the water
body is impaired but the CSO
discharges are not viewed as a
cause of the impairment, then the
permittee may continue with the
LTCP-EZ Template.
System Characterization
CSO control planning involves
consideration of the site-specific
nature of CSOs. The amount of
combined sewage flow that can be
conveyed to the WWTP in a CSS
depends on a combination of
regulator capacity, interceptor
capacity, pump station capacity,
and WWTP capacity. The LTCP-EZ
Template uses the term “CSO
hydraulic control capacity” as a
generic reference to these types of
flow controls. In any particular
system, one or more of these CSO
hydraulic control capacities may be
the limiting factor. If the community
has not previously carried out an
analysis of the peak capacity of
each portion of its CSS, it is strongly
suggested that the determination of
each CSO hydraulic control
capacity be carried out by
individual(s) experienced in such
hydraulic analyses. Communities
are particularly cautioned against
evaluating CSO regulator capacity
without considering interceptor
capacity as well, as the nominal
capacity of a given CSO regulator
may exceed that of its receiving
interceptor under the same peak
wet weather conditions.
To develop an adequate control
plan, the permittee needs to have a
thorough understanding of the
The extent of the CSS and
the number of CSO outfalls
The interconnectivity of the
The response of the CSS to
The water quality
characteristics of the CSOs
The water quality impacts
that result from CSOs.
Of these, the first three
considerations are the most
important for small communities.
Communities using the LTCP-EZ
Template are encouraged to obtain
at least limited rainfall and system
flow data to allow the runoff
response calculated by the LTCP-
EZ approach to be checked against
actual system flow data.
Line 8 is used to indicate that a map
has been attached to the LTCP-EZ
Template. Lines 9-11 provide more
specific information about the CSS.
Information on Lines 9 through 11 is
organized by CSO outfall and sub-
Line 8 General Location. Please
check the box on Line 8 to indicate
Schedule 2 – MAP is attached to
FORM LTCP-EZ. Schedule 2 –
The LTCP-EZ Template: A Planning Tool for CSO Control in Small Communities
MAP should include a map or
sketch of the CSS that shows the
Boundaries of the CSS service
area and, if different, total area
served by the sewer system
CSO outfall locations
Boundaries of individual sub-
sewersheds within the CSS
that drain to a CSO outfall
Location of major hydraulic
control points such as CSO
regulators (weirs, diversion
structures, etc.) and pump
Location of major sewer
interceptors (show as pathways
to the WWTP)
WWTP, if present
Delineation of the boundaries of the
CSS and individual sub-sewersheds
is very import
ant. Delineation is
most often done by hand with sewer
maps, street maps, contours, and
the location of key hydraulic control
points such as regulators and sewer
interceptors. The measurement of
CSS and sub-sewershed area is
also very important. Area can be
measured directly with GIS or CAD
systems, or it can be measured by
hand by overlaying graph paper and
counting squares of known
dimension within the CSS or sub-
sewershed boundary.
Line 9 CSO Information. Use
one column in Line 9 for each CSO
outfall in the CSS (e.g., CSO A,
CSO B, etc). Space is provided for
up to four CS
O outfalls in FORM
LTCP-EZ. Add additional columns
if needed. See the example for
Line 9.
Line 9a – Permitted CSO
number. Enter an identifying
number for each CSO outfall.
Line 9b – Description of
location. Enter a narrative
description of the location for
each CSO outfall.
Line 9c – Latitude/Longitude.
Enter the latitude and longitude
for each CSO outfall, where
Line 9d – Receiving water.
Enter the name of the receiving
water for each CSO outfall.
Line 10 – CSS Information. Most
(though not all) CSOs have a
defined service area, and surface
runoff in this area enters the CSS.
For the purpose of the LTCP-EZ
Template, “sub-sewershed area” is
used to describe the defined service
area for each CSO in a CSS.
Use one column in Line 10 to
describe the following information
for each sub-sewershed area in the
CSS. Space is provided for up to
four sub-sewersheds. Add
additional columns if needed. See
the example for Line 10.
Line 10a – Sub-sewershed
area. Enter the area (in acres)
for the contributing sub-
sewershed. Note
1: the sum of
sub-sewershed areas in CSS
should be consistent with Line
3a. Note 2
: this information is
also used in Schedule 4-CSO
Line 10b – Principal land use.
Enter the principal land use for
the sub-sewershed (i.e.,
business - downtown,
residential – single family, etc.
See Table 1 in Schedule 4-
Line 11 – CSO Hydraulic Control
Capacity. The amount of combined
e that can be conveyed to the
WWTP in a CSS depends on a
combination of regulator,
interceptor, pump station, and
WWTP capacity. The volume and
rate of combined sewage that can
be conveyed in a CSS depends on
dry weather flows and these
capacities. In any particular system,
one or more of these capacities
may be the limiting factor.
The CSO hydraulic control capacity
s the amount of combined
sewage that is diverted to the
interceptor. Interceptors are large
sewer pipes that convey dry
weather flow and a portion of the
wet weather-generated combined
sewage flow to WWTPs.
The CSO hydraulic control capacity
of passive structures such as weirs
and orifices can be calculated or
estimated as long as drawings are
Example: Line 10CSS Information
CSO 001 CSO 002 CSO 003
a. Sub-sewershed area 10a
105 85 112
b. Principal land use 10b
Medium High Density Mixed Use
Density Residential
Example: Line 9CSO Information
a. Permitted CSO number 9a
001 002 003
b. Description of location 9b
Foot of King
Near Main
Near Water
c. Latitude/Longitude 9c
d. Receiving Water 9d
Green River Green River Green River
available and the dimensions of the
structures are known. The use of
standard weir or orifice equations is
recommended if they are
appropriate for the structures that
are present. As a general rule, the
diversion rate is often three to five
times greater than dry weather flow.
Permittees should consult a
standard hydraulics handbook or
professional engineer familiar with
the design and operation of
regulators if the CSO hydraulic
control capacity is unknown, and
the permittee is unable to determine
regulator capacity with the
resources available.
Use one column in Line 11 to
describe the following information
for each CSO and sub-sewershed.
See the example for Line 11.
Line 11a – Type of CSO
hydraulic control. Enter the
type of hydraulic control used
for this CSO, e.g., weir.
Line 11b CSO hydraulic
control capacity. Enter the
capacity in MGD of the CSO
hydraulic control. Note
: this
information is also used in
Schedule 4-CSO VOLUME.
Line 11c – Name of
interceptor or downstream
pipe. Enter the name of the
interceptor that receives the
diverted flow.
Public Participation
The CSO Control Policy states that
“in developing its long-term CSO
control plan, the permittee will
employ a public participation
process that actively involves the
affected public in the decision-
making to select the long-term CSO
controls” (II.C.2). Given the potential
for significant expenditures of public
funds for CSO control, public
support is key to CSO program
Public participation can be viewed
as interaction between the
permittee (the utility or municipality),
the general public, and other
stakeholders. Stakeholders include
civic groups, environmental
interests, and users of the receiving
waters. The general public and
stakeholders need to be informed
about the existence of CSOs and
the plan for CSO abatement and
control. Informing the public about
potential CSO control alternatives is
one part of the public participation
Public meetings are typically used
for describing and explaining
alternatives. Technical solutions
should be presented in a simple,
concise manner, understandable to
diverse groups. The discussion
should include background on the
project, description of proposed
facilities/projects, the level of control
to be achieved, temporary and
permanent impacts, potential
mitigation measures, and cost and
financial information. Presentations
to the public should explain the
benefits of CSO control. A key
objective of the public education
process is to build support for
increases in user charges and taxes
that might be required to finance
CSO control projects.
The extent of the public participation
program generally depends on the
amount of resources available and
the size of the CSO community.
Public participation is typically
accomplished through one or more
activities, such as:
CSO Awareness:
Placement of informational and
warning signs at CSO outfalls
Media advis
ories for CSO
Public Education:
Media coverage
Newsletters/Information book
Educational inserts to water and
sewer bills
Direct mailers
CSO project websites
Public Involvement:
Public meetings
Funding task force
Local river committee
Community leader involvement
Example: Line 11 Pipe Capacity and Flow Information
General public telephone
Focus groups
Successful public participation
occurs when the discussion of CSO
control ha
s involved ratepayers and
users of CSO-impacted
For more information on public
pation activities, see EPA’s
Combined Sewer Overflows
Guidance for Long-Term Control
CSO 001 CSO 002 CSO 003
a. Type of CSO
hydraulic control
Weir Weir Pump
b. CSO hydraulic
control capacity
1.5 1.5 3.0
c. Name of
interceptor or
downstream pipe
The LTCP-EZ Template: A Planning Tool for CSO Control in Small Communities
Use of Schedules
The LTCP-EZ Template provides an organizational framework for the collection and
presentation of information and analysis that is essential for a draft LTCP. Once
complete, FORM LTCP-EZ (with accompanying schedules) can serve as a draft
LTCP for a small community under appropriate circumstances. Each of the following
three sections on CSO Volume, Evaluation of CSO Controls, and CSO Affordability
include schedules with calculation procedures that are potentially valuable for small
communities. However, although the types of information used in, and generated
by, these schedules is necessary for a draft LTCP, use of these schedules is
optional. Permittees with extremely simple systems, permittees that have already
completed an evaluation of CSO controls, and permittees that have previously
conducted separate analyses may choose not to use these schedules. Under these
circumstances, documentation of the evaluation of CSO control alternatives and
selection of the recommended CSO Control Plan may be provided in another
Plan (EPA 832-B-95-002,
September 1995)
Examples of public participation can
also be viewed at the following CSO
project websites:
City of Lansing, Michigan.
City of Manchester, New
City of St. Joseph, Missouri.
City of Wilmington, Delaware.
Line 12 – Public Participation.
Please check the box on Line 12 to
indicate Schedule 3 PUBLIC
PARTICIPATION is attached to
TCP-EZ. Use Schedule 3
document public participation
activities undertaken (or planned) to
involve the public and stakeholders
in the decision process to evaluate
and select CSO controls.
CSO Volume
The LTCP-EZ Template applies the
“presumption approach” described
in the CSO Control Policy. The
LTCP-EZ Template uses a design
storm approach to identify the
volume of combined sewage that
needs to be stored, treated, or
eliminated to reduce CSOs to no
more than an average of four
overflow events per year. In
accordance with the “presumption
approach” described in the CSO
Control Policy, a program meeting
this criterion is conditionally
presumed to provide an adequate
level of control to meet water
quality-based requirements,
provided that the permitting
authority determines the
presumption is reasonable, based
upon data and analysis provided in
the LTCP.
Use of other criteria under the
“presumption approach” is valid, but
need to be documented separately
(not in Schedule 4 – CSO
Line 13 – CSO Volume. Please
check the appropriate box on Line
13 to indicate whether Schedule 4
CSO VOLUME or separate
documentation is attached to FORM
LTCP-EZ. Schedule 4 CSO
VOLUME is used to quantify the
volume of combined sewage that
needs to be stored, treated, or
eliminated. This is called the “CSO
volume” throughout the LTCP-EZ
Template. Specific instructions for
completion of Schedule 4CSO
VOLUME are provided.
Evaluation of CSO Controls
LTCPs should contain site-specific,
cost-effective CSO controls. Small
communities are expected to
evaluate a simple mix of controls to
assess their ability to provide cost-
effective CSO control. The LTCP-
EZ Template considers the volume
of combined sewage calculated in
Schedule 4CSO VOLUME that
needs to be stored, treated, or
eliminated when evaluating
alternatives for CSO controls.
provides an evaluation of CSO
control alternatives for the CSO
volume calculated in Schedule 4
CSO VOLUME. Specific instructions
for completion of Schedule 5CSO
CONTROL are provided. Please
note that Schedule 5CSO
CONTROL can be used in an
iterative manner to identify the most
promising CSO control plan with
respect to CSO volume reduction
and cost.
Line 14 – CSO Controls. Please
check the appropriate box on Line
14 to indicate whether Schedule 5
CSO CONTROL or separate
documentation is attached to FORM
The CSO Control Policy recognizes
the need to address the relative
importance of environmental and
financial issues when developing an
implementation schedule for CSO
controls. The ability of small
communities to afford CSO control
influences CSO control priorities
and implementation schedule.
Schedule 6 CSO
assessment of financial capability in
a two-step process. Step One
involves determination of a
residential indicator to assess the
ability of the resident and the
community to afford CSO controls.
Step Two involves determination of
a permittee financial indicator to
assess the financial capability of the
permittee to fund and implement
CSO controls. Information from both
Step One and Step Two is used to
determine affordability.
Line 15 – Affordability. Permittees
are encouraged to assess their
financial capability and the
affordability of the LTCP. Please
check the box in Line 15 if Schedule
attached to FORM LTCP-EZ, and
enter the appropriate affordability
burden in Line 15a. Otherwise,
proceed to Line 16.
Line 15a – Affordibility Burden.
Enter the appropriate affordability
burden (low, medium, or high) from
Schedule 6 CSO
Recommended CSO
Control Plan
The LTCP-EZ Template guides
permittees through a series of
analyses and evaluations that form
the basis of a draft LTCP for small
communities. The recommended
CSO controls need to be
summarized so that the permitting
authority and other interested
parties can review them. Line 16 is
used for this purpose.
Line 16 – Recommended CSO
Control Plan. Documentation of the
evaluation of CSO control
alternatives is required (CSO
Control Policy Section II.C.4.).
Permittees that have used Schedule
5 - CSO CONTROL to select CSO
controls should bring the
information from Schedule 5 CSO
CONTROL forward to Line 16 in
FORM LTCP-EZ. Permittees who
have completed their own
evaluation of CSO alternatives (that
is, permittees that did not use
Schedule 5CSO CONTROL)
need to summarize the selected
CSO control on Line16 and attach
the appropriate documentation.
Line 16a Provide a summary of
the CSO controls selected. This
information can come from the
controls selected on Schedule 5 –
CSO CONTROL, or from other
analyses. Section 3.3.5,
Identification of Control Alternatives,
of EPA’s Combined Sewer
Overflows Guidance for Long-Term
Control Plan document, lists the
various source controls, collection
system controls, and storage and
treatment technologies that may be
viable. This document also
discusses preliminary sizing
considerations, cost/performance
considerations, preliminary siting
issues, and preliminary operating
strategies, all of which should be
discussed on Line 16a of the LTCP-
EZ Template.
Line 16b – Provide a summary of
the cost of CSO controls selected.
Project costs include capital, annual
O&M, and life-cycle costs. Capital
costs should include construction
costs, engineering costs for design
and services during construction,
legal and administrative costs, and
typically a contingency. Annual
O&M costs reflect the annual costs
for labor, utilities, chemicals, spare
parts, and other supplies required to
operate and maintain the facilities
proposed as part of the project. Life-
cycle costs refer to the total capital
and O&M costs projected to be
incurred over the design life of the
At the facilities planning level, cost
curves are usually acceptable for
estimating capital and O&M costs.
When used, cost curves should be
indexed to account for inflation,
using an index such as the
Engineering News Record Cost
Correction Index.
Line 16c Provide a description of
how the CSO controls selected will
be financed. Discuss self-financing
including fees, bonds, and grants.
Section 4.3, Financing Plan, of
EPA’s Combined Sewer Overflows
Guidance for Long-Term Control
Plan document, states that the
LTCP should identify a specific
capital and annual cost funding
approach. EPA’s guidance on
funding options presents a detailed
description of financing options and
their benefits and limitations, as well
as case studies on different
approaches municipalities took to
fund CSO control projects. It also
includes a summary of capital
funding options, including bonds,
loans, grants, and privatization, as
well as annual funding options for
O&M costs for CSO controls,
annual loan payments, debt service
on bonds, and reserves for future
equipment replacement.
Line 16d
Describe the proposed
implementation schedule for the
CSO controls selected. The
implementation schedule describes
the planned timeline for
accomplishing all of the program
activities and construction projects
contained in the LTCP. Section of EPA’s Combined Sewer
Overflow Guidance for Permit
Writers document (EPA 832-B-95-
008) summarizes criteria that
should be used in developing
acceptable implementation
schedules, including:
Phased construction schedules
should consider elimination of
CSOs to sensitive areas and
use impairment.
Phased schedules should also
include an analysis of financial
capability (see Schedule 6 –
The permittee should evaluate
financing options and data,
including grant and loan
availability, previous and
current sewer user fees and
rate structures, and other viable
funding mechanisms and
sources of funding.
The schedule should include
milestones for all major
The LTCP-EZ Template: A Planning Tool for CSO Control in Small Communities
implementation activities,
including environmental
reviews, siting of facilities, site
acquisition, and permitting.
The implementation schedule is
often negotiated with the
permitting authority, and
incorporating the information
listed above in the schedule
provides a good starting point
for schedule negotiations.
The LTCP-EZ Template: A Planning Tool for CSO Control in Small Communities
Understanding the response of the CSS to rainfall is critical for evaluation of the magnitude of CSOs and control needs.
Small CSO communities do not typically have the resources to conduct the detailed monitoring and modeling necessary
to make this determination easily. Schedule 4 CSO VOLUME of the LTCP-EZ Template provides a simple, conservative
means for assessing CSO control needs. The technical approach contained in Schedule 4CSO VOLUME builds upon
the general information and CSS characteristics provided in FORM LTCP-EZ. It rests upon a simple interpretation of the
“presumption approach” described in the CSO Control Policy. Under the “presumption approach”, a CSO community
controlling CSOs to no more than an average of four overflow events per year is presumed to have an adequate level of
control to meet water quality standards.
The volume of combined sewage that needs to be treated, stored, or eliminated is calculated within Schedule 4CSO
VOLUME. This is called the “CSO volume.” CSO volume is calculated with a “design storm”, application of the Rational
Method (described below) to determine generated runoff, and use of an empirical equation to estimate excess combined
sewage and conveyance within the CSS. Once construction of controls is completed, it is expected that compliance
monitoring will be used to assess the ability of the controls to reduce CSO frequency to meet the average of four overflow
events per year criterion.
Design Storm for Small Communities
The volume of runoff and combined sewage that occurs due to “design storm” conditions must be controlled to limit the
occurrence of CSOs to an average of four overflow events per year. The LTCP-EZ Template uses two design storm
values, each of which represents a rainfall intensity that, on average, occurs four times per year. These are:
The statistically-derived one-hour, three-month rainfall. This design storm represents a peak flow condition. It is
reasonably intense, delivers a fairly large volume of rainfall across the CSS, and washes off the “first flush.” In
addition, the one-hour, three-month rainfall facilitates a simple runoff calculation in the Rational Method. The
LTCP must provide control to eliminate the occurrence of CSOs for hourly rainfall up to this intensity.
The statistically-derived 24-hour, three-month rainfall. This design storm complements the one-hour, three-month
rainfall in the LTCP-EZ Template. The longer 24-hour storm delivers a larger volume of rainfall with the same
three-month return interval. The LTCP must provide control to eliminate the occurrence of CSOs for rainfall up to
this amount over a 24-hour period.
The use of both of these design storms in conjunction with one another ensures that CSO control needs are quantified
based on both rainfall intensity and rainfall volume associated with the return frequency of four times per year.
The Rational Method
The Rational Method is a standard engineering calculation that is widely used to compute peak flows and runoff volume in
small urban watersheds. The Rational Method with a design storm approach is used in the LTCP-EZ Template to quantify
the amount of runoff volume (the “CSO volume”) that needs to be controlled for each CSO outfall and contributing sub-
sewershed area. The Rational Method equation is given as:
Q = kCiA
Q = runoff (MGD)
k = conversion factor (acre-inches/hour to MGD)
C = runoff coefficient (based on land use)
i = rainfall intensity (in/hr)
A = sub-sewershed area (acres)
The Rational Method is applied twice within the LTCP-EZ Template: once to determine the peak runoff rate associated
with the one-hour, three-month rainfall, and once to determine the total volume of runoff associated with the 24-hour,
three-month rainfall. When applied properly, the Rational Method is inherently conservative.
Calculation of CSO Volume
CSO volume is calculated within sub-sewersheds at individual CSO hydraulic controls (i.e., weir, orifice) and at the
WWTP. The procedures used to calculate CSO volume are documented in Appendix B. The following operations are
central to these calculations:
The average dry weather flow rate of sanitary sewage is added to runoff to create a peak hourly flow rate, and is
also used to calculate a total volume of flow over the 24-hour period.
The ratio of the CSO hydraulic control capacity to the peak flow rate based upon the one-hour, three-month
rainfall determines the fraction of overflow within sub-sewersheds. (Note: Identification of realistic hydraulic
control capacities is an important part of the LTCP-EZ Template. Permittees may need to seek assistance from
qualified professionals to successfully complete this part of the Template. In addition, it is important that
interceptor capacity limitations be taken into account when identifying regulator capacities.)
The overflow fraction is applied to the total volume of flow associated with the 24-hour, three-month rainfall to
quantify the volume of excess combined sewage at CSO hydraulic controls. This is the “CSO volume” at the CSO
hydraulic control.
Diversions to the WWTP at CSO hydraulic controls are governed by an empirical relationship based upon the
ratio of the CSO hydraulic control capacity to the peak flow rate and conveyance. The diversions to the WWTP at
CSO hydraulic controls are a component of the peak sewage conveyed to the WWTP.
The ratio of primary capacity to peak sewage conveyed to the WWTP determines the fraction of combined
sewage untreated at the WWTP. This is the “CSO volume” at the WWTP.
The Schedule 4CSO VOLUME results identify the “CSO volum
e,” which is the volume of excess combined sewage that
needs to be stored, treated, or eliminated in order to comply with the “presumption approach.” The results of the
calculations, the excess CSO volumes, are linked to Schedule 5CSO CONTROL where control alternatives are
evaluated at the sub-sewershed level and/or at the WWTP.
The LTCP-EZ Template is designed to provide a very simple assessment of CSO control needs. Prior to entering data
into the LTCP-EZ Template, permittees should collect good information on the characteristics of the CSS, including
reliable information on CSO hydraulic control capacities.
Additional detail and documentation on the approach used to identify overflow, diversion and WWTP overflow fractions is
provided in Appendix B.
The LTCP-EZ Template: A Planning Tool for CSO Control in Small Communities
Sub-Sewershed Area
This section characterizes the
contributing area of each CSO
sub-sewershed area, the
predominant land use, and a runoff
coefficient. These values are
critical inputs to the runoff
calculation developed in this
schedule (the Rational Method).
Schedule 4CSO VOLUME is set
up to accommodate up to four sub-
sewersheds. Additional columns
can be added to the schedule as
needed if there are more than four
CSO sub-sewersheds. The
number of sub-sewersheds
evaluated on this schedule needs
to correspond to the system
characterization information
included under Form LTCP-EZ and
the map on Schedule 2MAP.
Line 1 – Sub-sewershed area
(acres). Enter the area in acres for
each sub-sewershed in the CSS
(Line 10a on FORM LTCP-EZ. If
you are using the electronic
version of the form, this value will
have been filled in automatically).
Add additional columns if needed.
Line 2 – Principal land use. Enter
the principal land use for each sub-
sewershed area (Line 10b on
FORM LTCP-EZ. If you are using
the electronic version of the form,
this value will have been filled in
Line 3 – Sub-sewershed runoff
coefficient. Enter the runoff
coefficient that is most appropriate
for the sub-sewershed on Line 3.
Runoff coefficients represent land
use, soil type, design storm, and
slope conditions. The range of
runoff coefficients associated with
different types of land use is
presented in Table 1. Use the
lower end of the range for flat
slopes or permeable, sandy soils.
Use the higher end of the range for
steep slopes or impermeable soils
such as clay or firmly packed soils.
The higher end of the range can
also be used to add an additional
factor of safety into the calculation.
The runoff coefficient selected
should be representative of the
entire sub-sewershed. Permittees
should consider the distribution of
land use within the sub-sewershed
and develop a weighted runoff
coefficient if necessary. For
example, a sub-sewershed that is
half residential single family
(C=0.40) and half light industrial
(C=0.65) would have a composite
runoff coefficient of C=0.525
At a minimum, the runoff
coefficient should be equivalent to
the percent imperviousness for the
sub-sewershed as a decimal
fraction. The percent
imperviousness is the fraction of
each sub-sewershed area that is
covered by impervious surfaces
(such as pavement, rooftops, and
sidewalks) that is directly
connected to the CSS through
catch basins, area drains or roof
Line 4 Design storm rainfall. The
one-hour, three-month rainfall
intensity (inches per hour) is the
design storm used in the LTCP-EZ
Template to estimate peak runoff
rate. The 24-hour, three-month
rainfall is used to estimate total
volume of runoff generated over a
24-hour period.
Recommended one-hour, three-
month rainfall values by state and
county are provided in Appendix A.
These values are based on
research and products provided by
the Midwest Climate Center
(1992). Values for the Midwestern
states are very specific. Values for
other states in the Northeast have
been approximated based upon
procedures developed by the
Midwest Climate Center. A
statistically derived multiplication
factor of 2.1 is used to convert
these one-hour, three–month
design rainfall conditions into the
24-hour, three–month rainfall
Table 1. Runoff Coefficients for Rational Formula
Type of Area (Principal Land Use) Runoff Coefficient (C)
Business – downtown 0.70 -0.95
Business – Neighborhood 0.50-0.70
Residential - Single family 0.30-0.50
Residential – Multi units, detached 0.40-0.75
Residential – Multi units, attached 0.60-0.75
Residential - Suburban 0.25-0.40
Residential – Apartments 0.50-0.70
Industrial - Light 0.50-0.80
Industrial - Heavy 0.60-0.90
Parks, cemeteries 0.10-0.25
Playgrounds 0.20-0.35
Railroad yard 0.20-0.35
Unimproved 0.10-0.30
Source: ASCE (2006)
Site-specific rainfall values or other
design storm intensities may be
used to assess the response of the
CSS to rainfall. However, use of
different rainfall periods may
require a separate analysis outside
of Schedule 4-CSO VOLUME.
Enter the one-hour design storm
rainfall intensity in inches for each
sub-sewershed on Line 4. (Note:
this information is also used in
Schedule 5-CSO CONTROL).
Line 5 – Calculated runoff rate.
Multiply Line 1 by Line 3 and then
this product by Line 4 for each
sub-sewershed area and enter the
result (acre-inches per hour) on
Line 5.
Line 6 – Peak runoff rate in
MGD. Multiply Line 5 by the
conversion factor (k) of 0.6517 and
enter the result for each sub-
sewershed area on Line 6. This is
the one-hour design storm runoff in
Dry Weather Flow Within
the CSS
Line 7 – Dry weather flow rate
Enter the average dry
weather flow rate as a rate in MGD
for each sub-sewershed on Line 7.
If dry weather flow is unknown on
a sub-sewershed basis, develop
an estimate supported by 1) direct
measurement of dry weather flow
based on the average of a series
of observations made at different
times of the day; or 2) allocation of
the dry weather flow reported on
the DMR for the WWTP for the
entire sewer service area. Use of
the allocation estimation approach
should take into consideration
characteristics of each sub-
sewershed that influence the rate
of dry weather flow including
population, employment, and
infiltration if known. The sum of dry
weather flow from the CSS plus
the dry weather flow from non-
CSO areas and satellite
communities, if present, should
equal the dry weather flow at the
Line 13 – Volume of runoff (MG).
The volume of runoff for the 24-
hour rainfall is obtained by
multiplying Line 1 by Line 3 and
Line 12 and converting to MG by
applying the conversion factor
0.02215. Enter the product on Line
Peak Wet Weather Flow
Line 8 – Peak flow rate (MGD).
The peak flow rate is the sum of
the peak runoff rate and dry
weather flow in MGD. Add Lines 6
and 7 and enter the sum for each
sub-sewershed area on Line 8.
Line 14 – Volume of dry weather
flow (MG). This is the total dry
weather flow in MG for the 24-hour
design rainfall period. It is
calculated by multiplying the dry
weather flow rate in MGD on line 7
by 24 hours. Enter this value on
Line 14.
Line 9 – CSO hydraulic control
capacity (MGD). CSO hydraulic
control capacity is the maximum
flow that the sub-sewershed area
sewer can deliver to the interceptor
sewer. Enter the CSO hydraulic
control capacity in MGD for each
CSO sub-sewershed area on Line
9 (Line 11b on FORM LTCP-EZ. If
you are using the electronic
version of the form, this value will
have been filled in automatically).
Line 15 – Total volume of flow
(MG). This is the total volume of
flow in MG within each sub-
sewershed for the 24-hour design
rainfall period. Add Lines 13 and
14 and enter the sum on Line 15.
Line 16 – Volume of excess
combined sewage at individual
CSO hydraulic controls during
24-hour rainfall period. This is
also the “CSO volume” at the CSO
hydraulic control and is the
combined sewage that exceeds
the diversion capacity determined
by the CSO hydraulic control in
each sub-sewershed. Multiply Line
11 by Line 15 and enter the
product on Line 16.
Line 10 – Ratio of CSO hydraulic
control capacity to peak flow
rate. Enter 1.0 on Line 10 if Line 9
is greater than Line 8. Otherwise,
divide Line 9 by Line 8 and enter
the quotient (result) on Line 10.
Line 11 – Overflow fraction of
combined sewage. This is the
overflow fraction of combined
sewage within the sub-sewershed.
It is based on the ratio of CSO
hydraulic control capacity to peak
flow rate. Take the square of (1
minus the value on Line 10) and
enter it on Line 11. For example, if
the ratio of CSO hydraulic control
capacity to peak flow rate on Line
10 is 0.15, the overflow fraction is
, or 0.7225.
Line 17 – Diversion fraction of
combined sewage. This is the
fraction of runoff within each
subsewershed that is collected and
diverted to the WWTP over the 24-
hour design storm period. The
diversion fraction is based on the
ratio of CSO hydraulic control
capacity to peak flow rate and
conveyance. Determine the
diversion fraction of combined
sewage from Line 10 using Table
2, and enter on Line 17.
Line 12 – 24-hour rainfall.
Multiply Line 4 by 2.1 to obtain the
24-hour design rainfall and enter
the product on Line 12.
The LTCP-EZ Template: A Planning Tool for CSO Control in Small Communities
Line 18 – Volume of runoff
diverted to WWTP. This is the
volume of runoff within each sub-
sewershed that is collected and
diverted to the WWTP over the
24-hour design storm period.
Multiply Line 13 by Line 17 and
enter the product on Line 18.
Line 19 – Total volume of
combined sewage conveyed to
WWTP during 24-hour rainfall
period (MG). Add Lines 14 and
18 and enter the sum on Line 19.
Line 20 – Peak rate of collected
combined sewage diverted to
the WWTP within sub-
sewersheds. Identify the smaller
of Line 8 and Line 9 within each
sub-sewershed and enter the
peak rate in MGD on Line 20.
Line 21 – Peak rate of
combined sewage conveyed to
WWTP (MGD). This peak rate
represents the sum of the peak
rates of collected combined
sewage diverted to the WWTP
from individual sub-sewersheds in
MGD. Add up sub-sewershed
values on Line 20 and enter on
Line 21.
Line 22 – Peak rate of sewage
from non-CSO areas (MGD).
Non-CSO areas can be affected
by wet weather conditions due to
I/I. the degree to which the peak
rate of sewage in non-CSO areas
is higher than the average dry
weather flow rate depends on
site-specific conditions. Direct
measurement of the peak rate of
sewage during wet weather is the
Table 2. Diversion Fraction of Combined Sewage from 24-Hour Storm
Ratio of CSO Hydraulic Control Capacity to
Peak Flow Rate
Diversion Fraction
0.01 to 0.02 0.04
0.02 to 0.03 0.06
0.03 to 0.04 0.09
0.04 to 0.05 0.11
0.05 to 0.06 0.14
0.06 to 0.07 0.16
0.07 to 0.08 0.19
0.08 to 0.09 0.21
0.09 to 0.10 0.24
0.10 to 0.12 0.28
0.12 to 0.14 0.33
0.14 to 0.16 0.38
0.16 to 0.18 0.42
0.18 to 0.20 0.47
0.20 to 0.24 0.54
0.24 to 0.28 0.62
0.28 to 0.32 0.68
0.32 to 0.36 0.72
0.36 to 0.40 0.76
0.41 to 0.50 0.81
0.51 to 0.60 0.87
0.61 to 0.70 0.91
0.71 to 0.80 0.95
0.81 to 0.90 0.98
0.91 to 1.0 0.99
best approach for determining this
rate. Estimation based on flow
measured at the WWTP and local
knowledge of the distribution of
flow in the service area provides
another approach. Peaking factors
can also be used to adjust the
average dry weather flow upward.
Newer “tight” sewer systems may
have peaking factors between 1.0
and 1.5. Older, leakier systems
may have peaking factors between
1.5 and 3.0, or even higher. Enter
the peak rate of sewage conveyed
to the WWTP from non-CSO areas
in the community in MGD on Line
Line 23 – Peak rate of sewage
from satellite communities
(MGD). Satellite communities can
be affected by wet weather
conditions due to I/I. the degree to
which the peak rate of sewage in
satellite communities is higher than
the average dry weather flow rate
depends on site-specific
conditions. Direct measurement of
the peak rate of sewage during wet
weather is the best approach for
determining this rate. Estimation
based on flow measured at the
WWTP and local knowledge of the
distribution of flow in the service
area provides another approach.
Peaking factors can also be used
to adjust the average dry weather
flow upward. Newer “tight” sewer
systems may have peaking factors
between 1.0 and 1.5. Older, leakier
systems may have peaking factors
between 1.5 and 3.0, or even
higher. The maximum rate of flow
from capacity agreements may
also be used and may be more
appropriate than measurements or
estimates. Enter the peak rate of
sewage conveyed to the WWTP
from satellite communities in MGD
on Line 23.
Line 24 – Peak rate of sewage
conveyed to the WWTP (MGD).
This is the peak rate of sewage
flow in MGD received at the
WWTP from the CSS and adjacent
non-CSO areas in the community
and satellite communities. Add
Lines 21, 22 and 23 and enter the
sum on Line 24.
Line 25 – Primary treatment
(MGD). Enter the primary
treatment capacity in MGD on Line
25 (Line 4a on FORM LTCP-EZ. If
you are using the electronic
version of the form, this value will
have been filled in automatically).
Use of primary treatment capacity
for CSO control is a viable option
where approval of the regulatory
agency has been obtained. The
CSO Control Policy indicates that
combined sewer flows remaining
after implementation of the NMCs
and within the criteria under the
“presumption approach” at a
minimum should receive:
Primary clarification (removal
of floatables and settleable
solids may be achieved by any
combination of treatment
technologies or methods that
are shown to be equivalent to
primary clarification);
Solids and floatables disposal;
Disinfection of effluent, if
necessary, to meet WQS,
protect designated uses and
protect human health,
including removal of harmful
disinfection residuals, where
The Combined Sewer Overflows
Guidance for Long
-Term Control
Plan document, Section,
Utilization of POTW Capacity and
CSO-Related Bypass, addresses
the specific case where existing
primary treatment capacity
exceeds secondary treatment
capacity and it is not possible to
utilize the full primary treatment
capacity without overloading the
secondary facilities. For such
cases, the CSO Control Policy
states that at the request of the
municipality, EPA may allow an
NPDES permit “…to authorize a
CSO-related bypass of the
secondary treatment portion of the
POTW treatment plant for
combined sewer overflows in
certain identified circumstances”
(II.C.7). Under this provision, flows
to the POTW within the capacity of
primary treatment facilities but in
excess of the capacity of
secondary treatment facilities may
be diverted around the secondary
facilities provided that “…all wet
weather flows passing the
headworks of the POTW treatment
plant will receive at least primary
clarification and solids and
floatables removal and disposal,
and disinfection, where necessary,
and any other treatment that can
be reasonably provided” (II.C.7).
In addition, the CSO-related
bypass should not cause
exceedance of WQS.
Line 26 – Ratio of primary
treatment capacity to peak rate
of sewage conveyed to WWTP.
Enter 1.0 on Line 26 if Line 25 is
greater than Line 24. Otherwise,
divide Line 25 by Line 24 and enter
the quotient (result) on Line 26.
Line 27 –Fraction of combined
sewage untreated at WWTP. This
is the fraction of sewage delivered
to the WWTP during the 24-hour
rainfall period that does not
received primary treatment. It is
based on the ratio of primary
treatment capacity to peak rate of
sewage conveyed to the WWTP.
Take the square of (1 minus the
value on Line 26) and enter it on
Line 27. For example, if the ratio of
primary treatment capacity to peak
rate of sewage conveyed to the
WWTP on Line 26 is 0.80, the
overflow fraction is (1-0.80)
, or
The LTCP-EZ Template: A Planning Tool for CSO Control in Small Communities
Line 28 – Sum of combined
sewage conveyed to WWTP
during 24-hour rainfall period
(MG). Add up the sub-sewershed
values in MG on Line 19 and enter
on Line 28.
Line 29 – Dry weather flow from
the non-CSO area (MGD). Enter
the dry weather flow rate from the
non-CSO area in MGD on Line 29.
If dry weather flow for the non-
CSO area is unknown, develop an
estimate supported by 1) direct
measurement of dry weather flow
based on the average of a series
of observations made at different
times of the day; or 2) allocation of
the dry weather flow reported on
the DMR for the WWTP for the
entire sewer service area.
Line 30- Volume of sewage from
non-CSO areas during 24-hour
rainfall period (MG). The volume
of sewage from non-CSO areas
during the 24-hour rainfall period is
likely to be higher than the average
dry weather flow rate (Line 29)
because of I/I, but less than the
peak rate of sewage (Line 22).
Typical daily wet weather volumes
should be used if measurements
are available. Alternatively, an
estimate based on the peak rate of
sewage (Line 22) and the dry
weather flow rate (Line 29) can be
used. Under this approach, it is
assumed that flow to the WWTP
from the non-CSO area over the
course of the 24-hour rainfall
period has a triangular shape. The
volume is calculated by adding
one-half the difference between
Line 22 and 29 and adding this
value to the dry weather flow rate.
Subtract Line 29 from Line 22,
divide by 2, add the remainder to
Line 29, and enter this value as a
volume in MG on Line 30.
Line 31 – Dry weather flow from
the satellite communities (MGD).
Enter the dry weather flow rate
from the satellite communities in
MGD on Line 29. If dry weather
flow for the satellite communities is
unknown, develop an estimate
supported by 1) direct
measurement of dry weather flow
based on the average of a series
of observations made at different
times of the day; or 2) allocation of
the dry weather flow reported on
the DMR for the WWTP for the
entire sewer service area.
Line 32- Volume of sewage from
satellite communities during 24-
hour rainfall period (MG). The
volume of sewage from satellite
communities during the 24-hour
rainfall period is likely to be higher
than the average dry weather flow
rate (Line 31) because of I/I, but
less than the peak rate of sewage
(Line 23). Typical daily wet
weather volumes should be used if
measurements are available.
Alternatively, an estimate based on
the peak rate of sewage (Line 23)
and the dry weather flow rate (Line
31) can be used. Under this
approach, it is assumed that flow
to the WWTP from the satellite
communities over the course of the
24-hour rainfall period has a
triangular shape. The volume is
calculated by adding one-half the
difference between Line 23 and 31
and adding this value to the dry
weather flow rate. Subtract Line 31
from Line 23, divide by 2, add the
remainder to Line 31, and enter
this value as a volume in MG on
Line 32.
Line 33 – Total volume of
sewage during 24-hour rainfall
event (MG). Add Lines 28, 30 and
32 and enter the volume in MG on
Line 33.
Line 34 – Volume of combined
sewage untreated at WWTP
(MG). This is also the “CSO
volume” at the WWTP. Enter 0.0
on Line 34 if Line 25 is greater
than Line 24. Otherwise, multiply
Line 31 by Line 27 and enter the
volume in MG on Line 34.
CSO Volume
The CSO volume that needs to be
stored, treated or eliminated is
calculated in SCHEDULE 4- CSO
Volume. These CSO volumes are
identified within individual sub-
sewersheds at CSO hydraulic
controls, and at the WWTP.
Line 35 – Volume of combined
sewage overflows at CSO
outfalls (MG). This represents the
volume of excess combined
sewage in MG that is discharged
at CSO outfalls. Sum all sub-
sewershed volumes in MG on Line
16 and enter on Line 35.
Line 36 – Volume of combined
sewage overflow at WWTP (MG).
This represents the volume of
excess combined sewage in MG
that is collected and conveyed to
the WWTP that does not receive at
least primary treatment. Enter the
value on Line 34 on Line 36.
The LTCP-EZ Template: A Planning Tool for CSO Control in Small Communities
The calculation in Schedule 4 CSO VOLUME quantifies the volume of combi
ned sewage generated by a storm that
occurs no more than four times per year (once every three months). This is the volume of combined sewage that needs
to be stored, treated, or eliminated under the “presumption approach” so that there are no more than an average of four
overflow events per year. The calculation leads the permittee to identify the rate and volume of combined sewage
conveyed to the WWTP. It also identifies the rate and volume of combined sewage at sub-sewershed outfalls governed by
CSO hydraulic controls. This schedule is intended to help the permittee evaluate the ability of a limited number, but widely
used, set of CSO controls to store, treat, or eliminate excess combined sewage.
The permittee is expected to develop a simple LTCP based upon CSS characterization, the hydraulic response of the
CSS to rainfall established in Schedule 4 CSO VOLUME, information presented on CSO controls, and an understanding
of local conditions and circumstances. Schedule 5 CSO CONTROL provides a simple approach to organize and
evaluate control needs, performance, and costs. Small communities can use this schedule in an iterative manner to
identify the mix of CSO controls needed.
Four general methods for CSO control are considered in this schedule. They are:
Conveyance and treatment at the WWTP
Inflow reduction for residential properties
Sewer separation
Off-line storage
It is recommended that permittees evaluate these con
trols in the order presented. Use of more than one CSO control in a
LTCP is common. Use of other controls not described herein is valid, but would have to be documented separately in a
similar effort to what is presented in this schedule.
Schedule 5 CSO CONTROL should be used in an iterative manner in order to identify the most appropriate mix of CSO
controls with respect to CSO reduction and cost. The volumes of combined sewage at CSO outfalls and at the WWTP that
need to be controlled (Lines 33 and 34 on Schedule 4 CSO VOLUME) serve as the reduction targets for this schedule.
Conveyance and Treatment at the WWTP
Maximization of treatment at the existing WWTP is emphasized in the CSO Control Policy, and it is an important feature of
many LTCPs. In some CSO communities, the ability to convey combined sewage to the WWTP exceeds the primary
capacity of the WWTP. The presence of this condition is assessed in Schedule 4 CSO VOLUME, and the use of
additional storage or treatment capacity at the WWTP is included in this schedule. The schedule is not set up to evaluate
the opposite situation, where the WWTP has excess primary treatment capacity. Permittees with this situation can
potentially make use of available primary treatment capacity at the WWTP by adjusting CSO hydraulic controls, increasing
interceptor conveyance capacity, or increasing pumping capacity. This analysis needs to be documented separately and
attached to this schedule.
Inflow Reduction
Inflow reduction is a widely used CSO control practice centered on removal of direct sources of storm water connected to
the CSS. Roof leader redirection and down spout disconnection are the only inflow reduction measure considered in this
schedule. This practice has been implemented successfully in many CSO communities. It is applicable in small CSO
communities where lawns and green space are abundant and are underlain with permeable soils.
Citywide surveys are often necessary to determine the extent of roof leader connections to the CSS. Inflow control
through roof leader disconnection can be voluntary or mandatory. The best results are achieved where disconnection
programs are widely implemented in a community. Some communities have offered financial incentives to property
owners to encourage participation, while others have linked roof leader disconnection efforts with efforts to redirect area
drains, foundation drains, and sump pumps. Roof leader and down spout disconnection programs are most successful
when they are accompanied by an educational component so that homeowners fully understand the importance of
keeping flows from roof leaders and downspouts out of the collection system. In addition, most successful programs
include continued municipal surveys or inspections to ensure that the program is working. This evaluation of CSO control
alternatives is limited to roof leaders and down spouts from residential buildings because the design storm calculation
lends itself to control of the volume of rain that falls on a rooftop. The analysis of other forms of inflow reduction such as
basement sump pump redirection and low impact development practices is not possible in this schedule, but can be
documented separately and appended to this schedule.
: the LTCP-EZ Template contains calculations for inflow reduction, which is the component of I/I that is associated
with wet weather and directly-connected impervious area. Infiltration is accounted for in the dry weather flow entered on
Line 7 of Schedule 4 – CSO VOLUME. If communities wish to examine infiltration reduction and its effect on reducing
CSO volumes, they can adjust the dry weather flow rate to incorporate infiltration reduction and re-examine the results of
the Schedule 4 – CSO VOLUME calculations.
Sewer Separation
Sewer separation is the practice of replacing the single pipe system of a CSS with separate pipes for sanitary and storm
water flows. Sewer separation is highly effective and widely used. However, it can be expensive relative to other CSO
controls. While sewer separation can be implemented on a broad basis across an entire CSS, it is most often
implemented in selective portions of the CSS where localized circumstances make it less disruptive and more economical.
It should also be noted that while sewer separation can help to mitigate CSO issues, it can increase the burden on the
storm sewer system.
Off-Line Storage
“Off-line storage” is a phrase used to describe facilities that store combined sewage in added tanks, basins, tunnels or
other structures. During dry weather, wastewater is passed around, not through, off-line storage facilities. During wet
weather, combined sewage flows are diverted from the CSS to the off-line facility by gravity drainage or with pumps. The
stored combined sewage is temporarily detained in the storage facility and returned to the CSS once conveyance and
treatment capacity become available.
Off-line storage facilities can be expensive relative to other CSO controls. Near surface storage facilities probably have
the most utility because space may be more readily available in small communities, and design, construction and O&M
costs are less than the cost of deep underground tanks and tunnels.
Cost of CSO Control
Generalized cost information for CSO controls is provided. Background information or the derivation of this cost
information is contained in Appendix C. Permittees should realize that CSO control costs are highly variable and
dependent on site-specific conditions. Use of actual or local cost data is always preferable where it is available.
Permittees should verify the appropriateness of default cost values where they are used. Permittees should also note that
cost estimates are for the construction of facilities. Additional operational costs and treatment costs are not expressly
included in cost estimates for controls where primary capacity is added or where combined sewage is temporarily stored
on-site at the WWTP or off-line and released for treatment following the rainfall event.
More information can be found in EPA’s CSO control technology description at
The LTCP-EZ Template: A Planning Tool for CSO Control in Small Communities
Conveyance and Treatment
at the WWTP
This section of Schedule 5 – CSO
CONTROL considers conveyance
and treatment of combined sewage
at the WWTP. Additional treatment
or storage can be added at the
WWTP if the ability of the CSS to
convey combined sewage to the
WWTP exceeds primary capacity.
Conversely, excess primary
capacity at the WWTP provides an
opportunity to maximize flow of
combined sewage to the WWTP for
Skip to Line 10 if you are not
evaluating control alternatives at the
Line 1 – Peak rate of sewage
conveyed to WWTP (MGD). Enter
the peak rate of sewage conveyed
to the WWTP in MGD on Line 1
(Line 24 on Schedule 4 CSO
VOLUME. If you are using the
electronic version of the form, this
value will have been filled in
Line 2 – Primary treatment
capacity (MGD). Enter the primary
treatment capacity in MGD on Line
2 (Line 25 of Schedule 4 CSO
VOLUME. If you are using the
electronic version of the form, this
value will have been filled in
Line 3 – Difference between
primary treatment capacity and
peak rate of sewage conveyed to
WWTP (MGD). Enter the combined
sewage untreated at the WWTP in
MGD (Line 32 on Schedule 4
CSO VOLUME. If you are using the
electronic version of the form, this
value will have been filled in
Untreated combined sewage at the
WWTP can be controlled by adding
additional treatment capacity (Line
4) or by adding storage (Line 7) to
allow collected combined sewage to
be retained temporarily until
treatment capacity becomes
available following the rainfall event.
Permittees can estimate costs for
both options and determine which is
most appropriate for their facility.
: If Line 2 is greater than Line
1, the difference represents primary
treatment capacity that may be
available for treatment of combined
sewage. Maximization of flow to the
WWTP should be pursued under
these circumstances. This could be
done iteratively in Schedule 4
CSO VOLUME by adjusting
hydraulic control capacities, or
assessed in worksheets to
supplement the LTCP-EZ Template.
Line 4 – Additional primary
treatment capacity required
(MGD). Additional primary treatment
capacity may be added to the
system in order to treat the
combined flows that reach the
WWTP during wet weather. Line 3
represents the minimal additional
primary treatment capacity that will
be required to treat these flows.
Permittees may either enter the
value from Line 3 on Line 4, or they
may enter a larger number if they
want to increase primary treatment
capacity even further.
Line 5 – Unit cost of primary
treatment per MGD. The unit cost
of primary treatment varies greatly.
Enter a cost that reflects local site-
specific conditions, or use the
default value of $2,000,000 per
Line 6 – Estimated cost of new
primary treatment capacity at
WWTP. Multiply the unit cost on
Line 5 by the additional capacity
required on Line 4.
Line 7 – Volume of storage
required at WWTP (MG). The
volume of storage required is
determined by converting the flow
rate in MGD on Line 3 to a volume
in MG by multiplying Line 3 by 24
hours. Enter this value on Line 7.
Line 8 – Unit cost of additional
storage at WWTP. The unit cost of
storage varies greatly. Enter a cost
that reflects local site-specific
conditions, or use the default value
of $1,000,000 per MG.
Line 9 – Estimated cost for
storage at WWTP. Multiply the
additional storage volume required
on Line 7 by the unit cost on Line 8.
Inflow Reduction
Inflow reduction refers to techniques
used to reduce the amount of storm
water that enters a CSS. Roof
leader redirection and downspout
disconnection are featured in the
LTCP-EZ Template because they
have been used successfully by
many CSO communities. Roof
leader redirection and downspout
disconnection are most applicable
in urban neighborhoods where roof
leaders and downspouts on
residential dwellings currently
draining to the CSS are redirected
to lawns and yards. Redirected flow
then infiltrates into the soil.
Line 10 – 24-hour design rainfall
(inches). Enter the 1-hour design
rainfall in inches on Line 10 (Line 12
on Schedule 4—CSO VOLUME. If
you are using the electronic version
of the form, this value will have
been filled in automatically).
Line 11 – Number of residential
dwellings participating in inflow
reduction. Enter the number of
residential dwellings within each
sub-sewershed that are considered
for roof leader redirection as an
inflow reduction measure.
Permittees should consider
reducing this number slightly to
account for implementation
Line 12 – Average roof area of
residential dwellings (Sq. Ft.).
The roof area of residential
dwellings varies greatly between the
range of 1,000 and 4,000 square
feet. Roof areas tend to be smaller
in highly urban areas with town
houses and row houses, and larger
in suburban or small town settings.
Enter a value that is characteristic
of dwellings in the sub-
sewershed(s) or use a default value
of 1,200 square feet. This can
sometimes be estimated from GIS
or from real estate aerial
Line 13 – Runoff to CSS
eliminated due to inflow
reduction (Gal.). Multiply Lines 10,
11 and 12. Multiply the product by
0.6234 to convert to gallons.
Line 14 – Volume reduction (MG).
Enter the volume reduction
achieved through inflow reduction.
Divide Line 13 by one million.
Line 15 – Unit cost per dwelling
unit for residential inflow
reduction. The unit cost of roof
leader redirection varies depending
on incentives and homeowner
investment. Enter a cost that
reflects local site-specific
conditions, or use the default value
of $250 per dwelling unit.
Line 16 – Estimated cost of
residential inflow reduction.
Multiply the number of dwellings
considered for roof leader
redirection on Line 11 by the unit
cost per dwelling on Line 15.
Sewer Separation
Sewer separation is the practice of
separating the single pipe system of
a CSS into separate pipe systems
for sanitary and storm water flows.
Sewer separation is widely used as
a CSO control. It is often applied
opportunistically in small sub-areas
to minimize disruption. Some small
communities also invest in sewer
separation on a system-wide basis.
Line 17 – Sub-sewershed area to
be separated (acres). Enter the
area to be separated in each sub-
Line 18 – Runoff coefficient of
area to be separated. Enter the
runoff coefficient entered on Line 3
on Schedule 4 CSO VOLUME.
Line 19 – Runoff to CSS
eliminated due to sewer
separation (Gal.). Multiply Lines
10, 17 and 18. Multiply the product
by 27,156 to convert to gallons.
Line 20 – Volume reduction (MG).
Enter the volume reduction
achieved through sewer separation.
Divide Line 19 by one million.
Line 21 – Unit cost of sewer
separation per acre. The unit cost
of sewer separation is highly
variable. Estimates range from less
than $10,000 to over $200,000 per
acre. Enter a cost that reflects local
site-specific conditions, or use the
default value of $40,000 per acre.
Line 22 – Estimated cost of sewer
Multiply the number of
acres to be separated on Line 17 by
the unit cost on Line 21 and enter
on Line 22.
Off-Line Storage
The use of storage facilities to store
and attenuate peak combined
sewage flows is widely used as a
CSO control. Off-line storage is the
term used to describe facilities that
store excess combined sewage in
tanks, basins, tunnels, or other
structures located adjacent to the
Line 23 – Volume reduction to be
achieved with storage (MG). Enter
the proposed volume of storage in
each sub-sewershed. This can be
established as the original volume
of excess combined sewage at
individual CSO hydraulic controls
(Line 16 on Schedule 4 – CSO
VOLUME) minus reductions
achieved through inflow reduction
and sewer separation.
Line 24 – Unit cost per MG of
storage. The unit cost of off-line
storage is highly variable and
ranges from less than $100,000 per
MG to several million dollars per
MG. Enter a cost that reflects local
site-specific conditions, or use the
default value of $1,000,000 per MG.
Line 25 – Estimated cost of
storage. Multiply Line 23 by Line
Summary of Controls and
The final CSO control alternatives
selected on this schedule (and on
supporting analysis if used)
represent the CSO controls
proposed for the draft LTCP. The
level of CSO control proposed must
be consistent with the CSO volumes
determined to require control on
Line 23 and 24 of Schedule 4
Complete the following summary of
recommended CSO controls and
costs below and on FORM LTCP-
Line 26 – Volume reduction from
CSO controls in sub-sewersheds
(MG). Add Lines 14, 20 and 23.
Line 27– Cost of CSO controls in
sub-sewersheds. Add Lines 16, 22
and 25.
Line 28 – Total volume reduction
in sub-sewersheds (MG). Add up
volumes across Line 26.
Line 29 – Total cost of CSO
controls in sub-sewersheds. Add
up costs across Line 27.
The LTCP-EZ Template: A Planning Tool for CSO Control in Small Communities
Line 30 – Total cost of additional
treatment or storage at WWTP.
Select cost on Line 6 or Line 9.
Enter 0.0 if no additional control is
planned at the WWTP.
The LTCP-EZ Template: A Planning Tool for CSO Control in Small Communities
The CSO Control Policy recognizes the need to ad
dress the relative importance of environmental and financial issues
when developing an implementation schedule for CSO controls. The ability of small communities to afford CSO control
influences control priorities and the implementation schedule. Schedule 6 – CSO AFFORDABILITY uses EPA’s
affordability analysis approach to develop a financial capability indicator for the community. This financial capability
indicator is
not to be interpreted as an indicator of whether or not communities can afford CSO controls; rather, the
affordability analysis is used as part of the planning process to determine the potential burden on the community for
implementing the controls over a specific schedule. Thus, one of the primary uses of the affordability analysis is in the
negotiation of the CSO control implementation schedule.
The affordability analysis standardiz
es the determination of financial burden by using standard “big-picture” measures of a
community’s financial capability (e.g., property tax rates, median household incomes, bond ratings, etc.) so that it can be
compared across municipalities without regard to a community’s individual method for funding wastewater and collection
system projects. Once the overall financial capability is determined for a community, it can be used in discussions with
regulators to determine a realistic schedule for implementing CSO controls that takes into account the financial burden to
the community in implementing those controls.
This Schedule presents a two-phase approach to assessing a permittee’s financial capability. The first phase identifies the
combined impact of wastewater and CSO control costs on individual households. The second phase examines the debt,
socioeconomic, and financial conditions of a permittee. The results of the two-phase analysis are combined in a Financial
Capability Matrix. As discussed above, permittees and the water quality standards and NPDES authorities can then use
the matrix to assess the financial burden of the CSO control costs and establish a reasonable schedule to implement the
CSO controls.
Phase I determines a Residential Indicator. This indicator is the permittee’s average costs per household (CPH) for
wastewater treatment (WWT) and CSO controls as a percentage of the local median household income (MHI). It reflects
the residential share of current and planned WWT and CSO control needs to meet the requirements of the Clean Water
Act. A value for this indicator characterizes whether costs will impose a “low’, “mid-range”, or “high” financial impact on
residential users.
Phase II develops the permittee’s Financial Capability Indicators. Six indicators are used to evaluate the debt,
socioeconomic and financial conditions that affect a permittee’s financial capability to implement the CSO controls. These
indicators serve as the basis for a second phase analysis that characterizes the permittee’s financial capability as “weak”,
“mid-range”, or “strong”. Schedule 6 – CSO AFFORDABILITY is based on EPA’s Combined Sewer Overflows–Guidance
for Financial Capability Assessment and Schedule Development. This guidance is located at
Phase I Residential
In Phase I of the analysis of the
permittee’s financial capability, a
Residential Indicator is calculated.
The Residential Indicator
measures the financial impact of
the current and proposed
wastewater treatment (WWT) and
CSO controls on residential users.
Development of this indicator
starts with the determination of the
current and proposed WWT and
CSO control costs per household
(CPH). Next, the service area's
CPH estimate and the median
household income (MHI) are used
to calculate the Residential
Indicator. Finally, the Residential
Indicator is compared to
established financial impact ranges
to determine whether CSO
controls will produce a possible
high, mid-range or low financial
impact on the permittee's
residential users.
The first step in developing the
CPH is to determine the
permittee's total WWT and CSO
costs by adding together the
current costs for existing
wastewater treatment operations
and the projected costs for any
proposed WWT and CSO controls.
The next step is to calculate the
residential share of the total WWT
and CSO costs. The final step is to
calculate the CPH by dividing the
residential share of total WWT and
CSO costs by the number of
households in the permittee's total
wastewater service area.
The permittee's latest financial
reports should be used to develop
the current wastewater treatment
operations costs. In order to
comply with accounting
requirements, most permittees
develop a combined statement of
revenues, expenses, and changes
in fund balance. These reports
should be available directly from
the accounting or financial
departments in the permittee’s
community, or, in some states,
from central records kept by the
state auditor or other state offices
(many states conduct audits and
generate financial reports - i.e.,
balance sheet, statement of
revenues, expenses, changes in
fund balances, and statement of
cash flows, for each permittee.)
Projected costs and the number of
households in the wastewater
service area should be available
through planning documents.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics
website at
has data
that can be used to estimate the
number of households in a specific
service area. The Consumer Price
Index rate (CPI) is used in several
calculations. The value used
should be the average rate for the
previous five years. The CPI is
available through the Bureau of
Labor Statistics website at
The first step in developing the
Residential Indicator is to
determine the Cost Per Household
of total WWT and CSO Costs. In
order to do this, permittees must
first calculate current WWT and
CSO costs, and then projected
costs of future WWT and CSO
treatment. These steps are
completed in Lines 1-17 below.
Current Costs
Current WWT costs are defined as
current annual wastewater
operating and maintenance
expenses (excluding depreciation)
plus current annual debt service
(principal and interest). This is a
fair representation of cash
expenses for current wastewater
treatment operations (expenses for
funded depreciation, capital
replacement funds, or other types
of capital reserve funds are not
included in current WWT costs,
because they represent a type of
savings account rather than an
actual operation and maintenance
Line 1 – Annual operations and
maintenance expenses
(excluding depreciation). Enter
the annual operation and
maintenance costs -including all
significant cost categories, such as
labor, chemicals,
utilities, administration, and
equipment replacement. Do not
include depreciation.
Line 2 – Annual debt service
(principal and interest). Enter the
annual debt service paid on WWT
Line 3 – Current costs. Add
together the annual operations and
maintenance expenses from Line 1
and the annual debt service from
Line 2 and enter on Line 3.
Projected Costs (Current
Estimates of projected costs are
made for proposed WWT projects
and for CSO controls. Any
concerns about including specific
proposed WWT projects or CSO
controls in the projected costs, or
the length of the planning period,
should be discussed with the
appropriate NPDES permitting and
enforcement authorities. These
costs should include projected
operation and maintenance
expenses plus projected debt
service costs for any proposed
WWT and CSO controls. The
residential or household costs
(Lines 12 -17) exclude the portion
of expenses attributable to
commercial, governmental and
industrial wastewater discharges.
These costs are adjusted to
current dollars (i.e., deflated).
The LTCP-EZ Template: A Planning Tool for CSO Control in Small Communities
Line 4 – Projected annual
operations and maintenance
expenses (excluding
depreciation). Enter the projected
annual WWT and costs for new
CSO-related facilities.
Line 5 – Present value
adjustment factor. The present
value adjustment factor may be
calculated using the formula
presented below. The formula
converts projected costs to current
dollars using the average annual
national Consumer Price Index
(CPI) inflation rate (available from
the Bureau of Labor Statistics
website at http://www.bls.gov/cpi/
for the past five years. The CPI is
used as a simple and reliable
method of indexing projected
WWT costs and household
income. For example, if the most
recent five year average CPI is 4
percent, and the projected annual
O&M and debt service costs will
begin in 2 years, calculate the
adjustment factor as follows:
Line 6 – Present value of
projected costs. Multiply the
projected annual operations and
maintenance expenses on
Line 4
by the present value adjustment
factor on Line 5 and enter on
Line 6.
Line 7 – Projected debt costs.
Enter the projected debt costs for
the proposed WWT projects and
CSO controls on Line 7.
Line 8 – Annualization factor.
Enter an annualization factor (AF)
that reflects the local borrowing
interest rate (IR) and borrowing
term of the permittee. Calculate
the factor using the following
Line 9 – Projected annual debt
service (principal and interest).
Multiply the projected debt cost
on Line 7 by the annualization
factor on Line 8, and enter the
result on Line 9.
Line 10 – Projected costs. Add
the present value of projected
costs on Line 6 to the projected
annual debt service on Line 9, and
enter the result on Line 10.
Line 11 – Total current and
projected WWT and CSO costs.
Add the current costs on Line 3 to
the projected costs on Line 10.
Enter the result on Line 11.
Cost Per Household
Line 12 – Residential WWT flow
(MGD). Enter the portion of
wastewater flow (including
infiltration and inflow) in MGD
attributable to residential users.
Line 13 – Total WWT flow
(MGD). Enter the total wastewater
flow at the wastewater treatment
plant in MGD.
Line 14 – Fraction of total WWT
flow attributable to residential
users. Divide the residential flow
on Line 12 by the total flow on
Line 13 and enter the result on
Line 14. The result should be
between 0 and 1.
Line 15 – Residential share of
total WWT and CSO costs.
Multiply the total current and
projected WWT and CSO costs
on Line 11 by the fraction of total
WWT flow attributable to
residential users on Line 14, and
enter the result on Line 15.
Line 16 – Number of
households in service area.
Enter the number of households
associated with the residential
+ IR
Line 17 - Cost per household
(CPH). Calculate the CPH by
dividing the residential share of
total WWT and CSO costs on Line
15 by the number of households
in the service area on Line 16.
Median Household Income
The second step in developing the
Residential Indicator is to
determine the adjusted median
household income (MHI) for the
permittee's entire wastewater
service area.
MHI is available for most
communities from the latest
census. In the few cases where a
local jurisdiction's MHI is not
available, the surrounding county's
MHI may be sufficient. Each state
has a state data center that serves
as a local source of census data
for public use.
Adjustment Factor = 1 =
1 = .925
Line 18 – Census Year MHI.
Enter the MHI value from the most
recent census year for the service
area. The Census
designated MHI areas generally
encompass most permittees'
service areas. If the permittee's
service area includes more than
one jurisdiction, a weighted MHI
for the entire service area may be
needed. Additional instructions on
development of a weighted MHI
can be found in EPA’s previously
referenced Combined Sewer
Overflows–Guidance for Financial
Capability Assessment and
Schedule Development.
Line 19 - MHI adjustment factor.
The MHI adjustment factor adjusts
the MHI from the latest census
year to current dollars based upon
the consumer price index (CPI)
inflation rate from the latest census
year to the present. The MHI
adjustment factor can be taken
from Table CAF-3 or calculated
using the formula below:
For example, if a permittee's MHI
was taken for the 1990 census
year, the average annual CPI
since 1990 was 4 percent and the
current year is 1992, the
adjustment factor would be 1.0816:
Line 20 - Adjusted MHI. Multiply
the Census Year MHI in Line 18 by
the MHI adjustment factor in Line
19 and enter the result in Line 20.
Residential Indicator
Line 21 Annual WWT and CSO
control CPH as a percent of
adjusted MHI. Divide the cost per
household on Line 17 by the
adjusted MHI in Line 20 and then
multiply by 100. Enter the result on
Line 21.
Line 22 – Residential Indicator.
Enter the appropriate Financial
Impact according to the value of
CPH as % MHI in Line 21. The
appropriate Financial Impacts are
defined below:
CPH as % of
<1 Low
1 to 2 Mid-Range
>2 High
Analyzing the Residential Indicator
The Residential Indicator is used
to help permittees, EPA, and state
NPDES authorities determine
reasonable and workable long-
term CSO and WWT control
The Residential Indicator is
compared to the financial impact
ranges that reflect EPA's previous
experience with water pollution
control programs. When the
Residential Indicator is less than 1,
between 1 and 2, and greater than
2, the financial impact on
residential users to implement the
CSO and WWT controls will be
characterized as "low," "mid-
range," and "high," respectively.
Unless there are significant
weaknesses in a permittee's
financial and socioeconomic
conditions, second phase reviews
for permittees that have a low
residential indicator score (CPH as
% of MHI less than 1) are unlikely
to result in longer implementation
schedules. Permittees with low
residential indicators may wish to
forego the second phase analysis
of the permittee Financial
Capability Indicators and proceed
with the normal engineering and
construction implementation
schedule developed as part of the
CSO planning process.
In situations where a permittee
believes that there are unique
circumstances that affect the
conclusion of the first phase, the
permittee may submit
documentation of its unique
financial conditions to the
appropriate state NPDES and EPA
authorities for consideration.
Phase II Permittee
Financial Capability
In Phase II of the analysis of the
permittee’s financial capability,
selected indicators are assessed to
evaluate the financial capability of
the permittee. These indicators
examine the permittee's debt
burden, socioeconomic conditions,
and financial operations. The
second-phase review examines
three general categories of
financial capability indicators for
the permittee:
MHI Adjustment Factor =
(1 + CPI)
Current Year – Census Year
Debt Indicators – Assesses
current debt burden of the
permittee or the communities
within the permittee's service
area and their ability to issue
additional debt to finance the
WWT and CSO control costs.
The indicators selected for this
purpose are:
o Bond Ratings (General
Obligation and/or Revenue
Bond Fund)
Overall Net Debt as a
Percent of Full Market
Property Value
MHI Adjustment Factor =
(1 + .04)
= 1.0816
Socioeconomic Indicators
Assesses the general
economic well-being of
residential users in the
permittee's service area. The
indicators selected for this
purpose are:
o Unemployment Rate
Financial Management
Indicators – Evaluates the
permittee's overall ability to
e financial operations.
The indicators selected for this
purpose are:
o Property Tax Revenue
Collection Rate
o Property Tax Revenues as
a Percent of Full Market
Property Value
Even though the financial
capability analysis reflects current
conditions, pending changes in the
service area should be considered
in development of the second
phase indicators. For example, if
the current unemployment rate is
The LTCP-EZ Template: A Planning Tool for CSO Control in Small Communities
high, but there is a new industry
opening that will stimulate
economic growth, the
unemployment indicators for the
service area would need to be
modified to reflect the projected
impact of the new plant. The
permittee should submit
documentation of such conditions
to the appropriate EPA and state
NPDES authorities for
consideration. When the permittee
is a sanitary district, sewer
authority or similar entity, the
second phase indicators related to
property values and tax revenues
may not be applicable. In those
circumstances, the permittee may
simply use the remaining
indicators or submit other related
documentation that will help
assess its financial capability to
implement the CSO controls.
Debt Indicators
The debt indicators described
below are used to assess the
current debt burden conditions and
the ability to issue new debt.
These indicators are the bond
rating and overall net debt as a
percent of full market property
value. When these indicators are
not available for the permittee,
other financial data that illustrates
debt burden and debt issuing
capacity may be used to assess
the permittee's financial capability
in this area.
Bond Rating
Recent bond ratings summarize a
bond rating agency's assessment
of a permittee's or community's
credit capacity. General obligation
(G.O.) bonds are bonds issued by
a local government and repaid with
taxes (usually property taxes).
They are the primary long-term
debt funding mechanism in use by
local governments. General
obligation bond ratings reflect
financial and socioeconomic
conditions experienced by the
community as a whole.
"Revenue bond" ratings, by
comparison, reflect the financial
conditions and management
capability of the wastewater utility.
They are repaid with revenues
generated from user fees.
Revenue bonds are sometimes
referred to as water or sewer
bonds. In some cases these bonds
may have been issued by the state
on behalf of local communities.
Bond ratings normally incorporate
an analysis of many financial
capability indicators. These
analyses evaluate the long term
trends and current conditions for
the indicators. The ultimate bond
ratings reflect a general
assessment of the current financial
conditions. However, if security
enhancements like bond insurance
have been used for a revenue
bond issue, the bond rating may
be higher than justified by the local
Many small and medium-sized
communities and permittees have
not used debt financing for
projects, and, as a result, have no
bond rating. The absence of bond
rating does not indicate strong or
weak financial health. When a
bond rating is not available, this
indicator may be excluded from the
financial analysis.
Municipal bond reports from rating
agencies (e.g., Moody's Bond
Record, Standard & Poor's
Corporation) provide recent
Line 23a – Date of most recent
general obligation bond. Enter
the date of issuance for the
permittee’s most recent general
obligation bond.
Line 23b – Rating agency. Enter
the name of the rating agency for
the most recent general obligation
Line 23c – Rating. Enter the
rating provided by the rating
agency for the most recent general
obligation bond.
Line 24a – Date of most recent
revenue (water or sewer) bond.
Enter the date of issuance for the
permittee’s most recent revenue
obligation bond.
Line 24b – Rating agency. Enter
the name of the rating agency for
the most recent revenue bond.
Line 24c – Bond insurance.
Indicate whether bond insurance
was required.
Line 24d – Rating. Enter the
rating provided by the rating
agency for the most recent
revenue bond.
Line 25 – Bond rating. For the
more recent of the bonds entered
in Lines 23 and 24, enter a bond
rating benchmark according to the
schedule below:
If the rating agency is Moody’s
Investor Services, enter “Strong”
for a rating of Aaa, AA, or A; “Mid-
Range” for a rating of Baa; “Weak”
If the rating agency is Standard &
Poor’s, enter “Strong” for a rating
of AAA, AA, or A; “Mid-Range” for
a rating of BBB; “Weak” otherwise.
: this information is also used
in Line 48a of Schedule 6–CSO
Overall Net Debt
Overall net debt is debt repaid by
property taxes in the permittee's
service area. It excludes debt
which is repaid by special user
fees (e.g. revenue debt). This
indicator provides a measure of
the debt burden on residents within
the permittee's service area, and it
assesses the ability of local
governmental jurisdictions to issue
additional debt. Net debt includes
the debt issued directly by the local
jurisdiction and debt of overlapping
entities such as school districts.
This indicator compares the level
of debt owed by the service area
population with the full market
value of real property used to
support that debt, and it serves as
a measure of financial wealth in
the permittee's service area.
Line 26 – Direct net debt (G.O.
bonds excluding double-
barreled bonds). Enter the
amount of general obligation debt
outstanding that is supported by
the property in the permittee's
service area. General obligation
bonds are secured by the "full faith
and credit" of the community and
are payable from general tax
revenues. This debt amount
excludes general obligation bonds
that are payable from some
dedicated user fees or specific
revenue source other than the
general tax revenues. These
general obligation bonds are called
"double-barreled bonds."
Debt information is available from
the financial statements of each
community. In most cases the
most recent financial statements
are on file with the state (e.g. State
Auditor's Office). Overlapping debt
may or may not be provided in a
community's financial statements.
The property assessment data
should be readily available through
the community or the State's
assessor office. The boundary of
most permittees' service areas
generally conforms to one or more
community boundaries. Therefore,
prorating community data to reflect
specific service area boundaries is
not normally necessary for
evaluating the general financial
capability of the permittee.
Line 27 – Debt of overlapping
entities (proportionate share of
multi-jurisdictional debt).
Calculate the permittee's service
area's share of any debt from
overlapping entities using the
process described. For each
overlapping entity,
1. Identify the total amount of tax-
supported outstanding debt for
each overlapping entity in
Column A and enter it in
Column B. Money in a sinking
fund is not included in the
outstanding debt since it
represents periodic deposits
into an account to ensure the
availability of sufficient monies
to make timely debt service
2. Identify the percentage of each
overlapping entity's
outstanding debt charged to
persons or property in the
permittee's service area and
enter it in Column C. The
percentage is based on the
estimated full market value of
real property of the respective
3. Multiply the total outstanding
debt of each overlapping entity
by the percentage identified for
the permittee's service area
(Column B x C).
4. Add the figures and enter in
Column D to arrive at total
overlapping debt for
permittee's service area.
Line 28 – Overall net debt. Add
the direct net debt on Line 26 to
the overlapping entities debt on
Line 27.
Line 29 – Full market property
value (MPV). The MPV reflects the
full market value of property within
the permittee's service area. It is
possible that the tax assessed
property value will not reflect full
market value. This occurs when
the tax assessment ratio is less
than one. In such cases the full
market value of property is
computed by dividing the total tax
assessment value by the
assessment ratio (the assessment
ratio represents the percentage of
the full market value that is taxed
at the established tax rate), For
example, if the assessed value is
$1,000,000 and the assessment
ratio is 50 percent then the full
market value of real property is
$1,000,000/.50= $2,000,000.
Line 30 – Overall net debt as a
percent of full market value of
property. Divide Line 28 by Line
29, then multiply by 100, and enter
this value on Line 30.
Line 31 – Net debt benchmark. If
the value in Line 30 is greater than
5, enter “Weak”. If the value is less
than 2, enter “Strong”. Otherwise,
enter “Mid-Range”. Note: this
information is also used in Line
48b of Schedule 6–
Socioeconomic Indicators
The socioeconomic indicators are
used to assess the general
economic well-being of residential
users in the permittee's service
area. The indicators used to
assess economic conditions are
unemployment rate and MHI.
When the permittee has additional
socioeconomic data, it may want to
submit the data to the appropriate
EPA and state NPDES authorities
to facilitate a better understanding
of the permittee's unique economic
conditions. Several examples of
this type of socioeconomic data
could be poverty rate, population
growth, and employment
Unemployment Rate
The unemployment rate is defined
as the percent of a permittee's
The LTCP-EZ Template: A Planning Tool for CSO Control in Small Communities
service area residents on the
unemployment rolls. The Bureau of
Labor Statistics (BLS) maintains
current unemployment rate figures
for municipalities and counties
over 25,000 population. National
and state unemployment data are
also available for comparison
Line 32 – Unemployment rate for
permittee service area. Enter the
unemployment rate for the
permittee's service area. Please be
sure to use the correct value to
represent the percentage. The
spreadsheet interprets the number
entered as that percent, so the
permittee would enter 6 for 6
percent, etc. If doing the
calculations by hand, use 0.06 for
6 percent. Please indicate the
source in the line below the
Line 33 – Unemployment rate for
permittee’s county. Enter the
unemployment rate for the
permittee's county. Please be sure
to use the correct value to
represent the percentage. The
spreadsheet interprets the number
entered as that percent, so the
permittee would enter 6 for 6
percent, etc. If doing the
calculations by hand, use 0.06 for
6 percent. This will only be used
when the unemployment rate for a
permittee's service area is not
available. Please indicate the
source in the line below the
Line 34 – Average national
unemployment rate. Enter the
current average national
unemployment rate. Be sure to use
the correct value to represent the
percentage. The spreadsheet
interprets the number entered as
that percent, so the permittee
would enter 6 for 6 percent, etc. If
doing the calculations by hand,
use 0.06 for 6 percent. Please
indicate the source of this number
on the line below the question.
Line 35 – Unemployment Rate
Benchmark. If the local
unemployment rate is 1% or more
below the national average, enter
“Strong.” If the local rate is 1% or
more above the national average,
enter “Weak.” Otherwise, enter
For example, if the national
average unemployment rate is 6
percent, and the unemployment
rate for the permittee service area
was 7 percent, the unemployment
rate benchmark would be “weak.”
If the unemployment rate for the
permittee service area was 5
percent, the unemployment rate
benchmark would be “strong.”
: this information is also used
in Line 48c of Schedule 6–
Median Household Income
MHI is defined as the median
amount of total income dollars
received per household during a
calendar year in a given area. It
serves as an overall indicator of
community earning capacity.
Line 36 – Median household
income - permittee. Copy the
value already entered in Line 20.
Line 37 – Census Year national
MHI. Enter the most recent census
value for National Median
Household Income. The National
Average MHI in 2004 was $44,389
Line 38 – MHI adjustment factor.
Copy the value from Line 19.
Line 39 - Adjusted MHI. Multiply
the national MHI from Line 37 by
the MHI adjustment factor in Line
Line 40 – MHI Benchmark. If the
permittee MHI in Line 36 is less
than 75% of the adjusted national
MHI in Line 39, enter “Weak”. If the
permittee MHI is more than 125%
of the adjusted national MHI, enter
“Strong”; otherwise, enter “Mid-
Range”. Note
: this information is
also used in Line 48d of Schedule
Financial Management
The financial management
indicators used to evaluate a
permittee's financial management
ability are property tax revenue as
a percent of full market value of
real property and property tax
revenue collection rate.
Property Tax Revenues as a
Percent of Full Market Property
This indicator can be referred to as
the "property tax burden" since it
indicates the funding capacity
available to support debt based on
the wealth of the community. It
also reflects the effectiveness of
management in providing
community services.
The property assessment data
should be readily available through
the community or the State's
assessor office (see instructions
for Line 29). Property tax revenues
are available in communities'
annual financial statements.
Occasionally, the assessment and
tax revenue data of communities
partially serviced by the permittee
may need to be prorated to provide
a clearer picture of the permittee's
property tax burden.
Line 41 – Full market value of
real property. Copy the value
from Line 29.
Line 42 – Property tax revenues.
Enter the most recent year's
property tax revenue. General fund
revenues are primarily property tax
Line 43 – Property tax revenues
as a percent of full MPV. Divide
Line 42 by Line 41, then multiply
by 100 and enter the result on
Line 43.
Line 44 – Property Tax
Benchmark. If the value in Line 43
is above 4%, enter “Weak”. If the
value is below 2%, enter “Strong”.
Otherwise, enter “Mid-Range”.
Note: this information is also used
in Line 48e of Schedule 6–
Property Tax and
Collection Rate
The property tax revenue
collection rate is an indicator of the
efficiency of the tax collection
system and the acceptability of tax
levels to residents.
Property taxes levied can be
computed by multiplying the
assessed value of real property by
the property tax rate, both of which
are available from a community's
financial statements or the state
assessor's office. Property tax
revenues are available in
communities' annual financial
statements. Occasionally, the
assessment and tax revenue data
of communities partially serviced
by the permittee may have to be
prorated to provide a clearer
picture of the permittee's property
tax revenue collection rate.
Line 45 – Property taxes levied.
Enter the property taxes levied on
Line 45.
Line 46 – Property tax revenue
collection rate. Divide Line 42 by
Line 45, and then multiply by 100
to present the collection rate as a
percentage. Enter this value on
Line 46.
Line 47 – Collection Rate
Benchmark. If the value in Line 46
is below 94, enter “Weak.” If the
value is above 98, enter “Strong”.
Otherwise, enter “Mid-Range.”
: this information is also used
in Line 48f of Schedule 6–
Matrix Score: Analyzing
Permittee Financial
Capability Indicators
This section describes how the
indicators in the second phase
may be used to generate an
overall score of a permittee's
financial capability. The indicators
are compared to national
benchmarks to form an overall
assessment of the permittee's
financial capability and its effect on
implementation schedules in the
long-term CSO control plan or on
long-term plans for wastewater
In situations where a permittee has
unique circumstances that may
affect financial capability, the
permittee may submit
documentation of the unique
financial conditions to the
appropriate EPA and state NPDES
authorities for consideration. The
purpose of additional information is
to clarify unique circumstances
that are not adequately
represented by the overall scores
of the selected indicators. An
example of a unique financial
situation might be where a state or
community imposes restrictions on
the property taxes that are used to
fund sewer service.
Line 48 – Scoring of Financial
Capability Benchmarks. For each
benchmark completed in this form,
enter the benchmark and the
corresponding score (“Weak” = 1,
“Mid-Range” = 2, “Strong” = 3),
then sum the scores to Line 48g.
Each line is described below.
Line 48a – Bond Rating. Enter
the bond rating on Line 48a (Line
25 on Schedule 6 –
AFFORDABILITY. If you are using
the electronic version of the form,
this value will have been filled in
Line 48b – Net Debt. Enter the net
debt on Line 48b (Line 31 on
Schedule 6 – AFFORDABILITY. If
you are using the electronic
version of the form, this value will
have been filled in automatically).
Line 48c – Unemployment Rate.
Enter the unemployment rate on
Line 48c (Line 35 on Schedule 6 –
AFFORDABILITY. If you are using
the electronic version of the form,
this value will have been filled in
Line 48d – Median Household
Income. Enter the median
household income on Line 48d
(Line 40 on Schedule 6 –
AFFORDABILITY. If you are using
the electronic version of the form,
this value will have been filled in
Line 48e – Property Tax. Enter
the property tax on Line 48e (Line
44 on Schedule 6 –
AFFORDABILITY. If you are using
the electronic version of the form,
this value will have been filled in
Line 48f – Collection Rate. Enter
the collection rate on Line 48f (Line
47 on Schedule 6 –
AFFORDABILITY. If you are using
the electronic version of the form,
this value will have been filled in
Line 48g – Sum. Enter the total by
adding 48a through 48f together.
Line 49 – Permittee indicators
score. Divide the result in Line 48g
by the number of benchmarks
completed to determine the
average financial capability score.
The LTCP-EZ Template: A Planning Tool for CSO Control in Small Communities
Line 50 – Permittee Financial
Capability Indicators Descriptor.
If the value in Line 49 is less than
1.5, enter “Weak”. If the value is
greater than 2.5, enter “Strong”.
Otherwise, enter “Mid-Range”.
Table CAF 4 – Financial Capability
Permittee Capability
(Socioeconomic, Debt, and
Financial Indicators)
(Cost per Household as %MHI)
Low Mid-Range High
Weak Medium
High Burden High
Low Burden Medium
Strong Low Burden Low Burden Medium
Line 51 – Permittee Residential
Indicator Benchmark. Copy from
Line 22.
Line 52 – Financial Capability.
Using Table CAF 4, cross-index
the Financial Capability benchm
result in Line 50 with the
Residential Indicator benchmark
result in Line 51 to determine
overall financial capability.
The LTCP-EZ Template: A Planning Tool for CSO Control in Small Communities
This glossary includes a collection of the terms used in this manual and an explanation of each term. To the extent that
definitions and explanations provided in this glossary differ from those in EPA regulations or other official documents, they
are intended to assist in understanding this manual only and have no legal effect.
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) – A measure of the amount of oxygen consumed by microorganisms from the
decomposition of organic material in water over a specified time period (usually five days, indicated as BOD
). The BOD
value is used in many applications, most commonly to indicate the effects of sewage and other organic wastes on
dissolved oxygen in water.
Cause of Impairment – Where possible, states, tribes and other jurisdictions identify the pollutants or stressors causing
water quality impairment. These causes of impairment keep waters from meeting the water quality standards adopted by
the states to protect designated uses. Causes of impairment include chemical contaminants (such as PCBs, metals, and
oxygen-depleting substances), physical conditions (such as elevated temperature, excessive siltation, or alterations of
habitat), and biological contaminants (such as bacteria and noxious aquatic weeds).
Class A Waters – A Use Classification used by some states in their water quality standards to designate high quality
Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) – A discharge of untreated wastewater from a combined sewer system at a point prior
to the headworks of a publicly owned treatment work (POTW) treatment plant.
Combined Sewer System (CSS) – A municipal wastewater collection system that conveys domestic, commercial, and
industrial wastewaters and stormwater through a single pipe system to a publicly owned treatment work treatment plant.
Combined Sewage – Wastewater and storm water carried in the same pipe by design.
Consumer Price Index (CPI) - A statistical time-series measure of a weighted average of prices of a specified set of
goods and services purchased by consumers.
CSO Control Policy – EPA published the CSO Control Policy on April 19, 1994 (59 FR 18688). The Policy includes
provisions for developing appropriate, site-specific NPDES permit requirements for combined sewer systems that overflow
as a result of wet weather events.
Dissolved Oxygen (DO) – The oxygen freely available in water, which is vital for sustaining fish and other aquatic life as
well as for preventing odors. DO levels are considered one of the most important indicators of a waterbody’s ability to
support desirable aquatic life. Secondary treatment and advanced waste treatment are generally designed to ensure
adequate DO in the water that receives WWTP effluent.
Dry Weather Flow Conditions – Hydraulic flow conditions within the combined sewer system resulting from one or more
of the following: flows of domestic sewage; ground water infiltration; and commercial and industrial wastewaters.
Dry Weather CSO – An unauthorized discharge from a combined sewer system that occurs during dry weather
First Flush – The occurrence of higher concentrations of pollutants in storm water or CSO discharges at the beginning of
a storm.
Floatables and Trash – Visible buoyant or semi-buoyant solids including organic matter, personal hygiene items,
plastics, styrofoam, paper, rubber, glass and wood.
Headworks of a Wastewater Treatment Plant – The initial structures, devices, and processes receiving flows from the
sewer system at a wastewater treatment plant, including screening, pumping, measuring, and grit removal facilities.
Hyetograph – A graphical representation of the distribution of rainfall over time.
Imperviousness The fraction (%) of a sub-sewershed that is covered by non-infiltrating surfaces such as concrete,
asphalt, and buildings.
Infiltration – Storm water and groundwater that enter a sewer system through such means as defective pipes, pipe joints,
connections, or manholes. (Infiltration does not include inflow.)
Infiltration/Inflow (I/I) – The total quantity of water from both infiltration and inflow.
Inflow – Water, other than wastewater, that enters a sewer system from sources such as roof leaders, cellar drains, yard
drains, area drains, foundation drains, drains from springs and swampy areas, manhole covers, cross connections
between storm drains and sanitary sewers, catch basins, cooling towers, storm waters, surface runoff, street wash waters,
or other drainage. (Inflow does not include infiltration).
Interceptor Sewers – A sewer without building sewer connections which is used to collect and carry flows from main and
trunk sewers to a central point for treatment and discharge.
Long-Term Control Plan (LTCP) – A water quality-based CSO control plan that is ultimately intended to result in
compliance with the Clean Water Act. As described in the 1994 CSO Control Policy, long-term control plans should
consider the site-specific nature of CSOs and evaluate the cost effectiveness of a range of controls.
Median Household Income (MHI) - MHI is defined as the median amount of total income dollars received per household
during a calendar year in a given geographical area.
Million Gallons per Day (MGD) – A rate of flow commonly used for wastewater discharges. One MGD is equivalent to a
flow rate of 1.547 cubic feet per second over a 24-hour period.
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) –The national program for issuing, modifying, revoking and
reissuing, terminating, monitoring and enforcing permits to control the discharge of pollutants into waters of the United
States, and imposing and enforcing pretreatment requirements, under Sections 307, 318, 402, and 405 of the Clean
Water Act.
Nine Minimum Controls (NMC) –The minimum technology-based CSO controls that can be used to address CSO
problems without extensive engineering studies or significant construction costs prior to the implementation of long-term
control measures. Municipalities were expected to implement the NMC and submit appropriate documentation to NPDES
permitting authorities no later than January 1, 1997.
Permittee – An entity that holds a NPDES permit. In the case of LTCP-EZ, the term should be interpreted to include any
users of the LTCP-EZ Template.
Permitting Authority – The agency (state, federal, or Indian tribe) that administers the National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) permit program in a particular state.
Primary Treatment – First steps in wastewater treatment wherein screens and sedimentation tanks are used to remove
most materials that float or will settle. Section 301(h) of the Clean Water Act, which addresses waivers from secondary
treatment for discharges into marine waters, defines primary or equivalent treatment as that adequate to remove 30
percent of BOD and 30 percent of suspended solids.
Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) – As defined by Section 212 of the Clean Water Act, a POTW is a treatment
works that is owned by a state or municipality. This definition includes any devices and systems used in the storage,
The LTCP-EZ Template: A Planning Tool for CSO Control in Small Communities
treatment, recycling, and reclamation of municipal sewage or industrial wastes of a liquid nature. It also includes sewers,
pipes, and other conveyances only if they convey wastewater to a POTW treatment plant.
Rational Method – A simple approach for estimating peak discharges for small drainage areas in which no significant
flood storage occurs.
Regulator – A device in combined sewer systems for diverting wet weather flows that exceed downstream capacity in the
sewer system to a CSO outfall.
Sanitary Sewer System (SSS) – A municipal wastewater collection system that conveys domestic, commercial and
industrial wastewater and limited amounts of infiltrated ground water and storm water, to a POTW. Areas served by
sanitary sewer systems often have a municipal separate storm sewer system to collect and convey runoff from rainfall and
Satellite Sewer Systems –Combined or sanitary sewer systems that convey flow to a publicly owned treatment works
owned and operated by a separate entity.
Secondary Treatment – Technology-based requirements for direct discharging municipal sewage treatment facilities. 40
CFR 133.102 defines secondary treatment as 30 day averages of 30 mg/l BOD
and 30 mg/l suspended solids, along with
maintenance of pH within 6.0 to 9.0 (except as provided for special considerations and treatment equivalent to secondary
Sensitive Area – An area of particular environmental significance or sensitivity that could be adversely affected by CSO
discharges. Sensitive areas include Outstanding National Resource Waters, National Marine Sanctuaries, water with
threatened or endangered species, waters with primary contact recreation, public drinking water intakes, shellfish beds,
and other areas identified by the permittee or NPDES permitting authority, in coordination with the appropriate state or
federal agencies.
Sewer Separation – Sewer separation is the process of separating a combined sewer system into sanitary and separate
storm sewer systems. It is accomplished by constructing a new pipe system (either sanitary or separate storm) and
diverting the appropriate types of flows (sanitary or storm) into the new sewers while allowing the existing sewers to carry
only the other type of flow (storm or sanitary).
Source of Impairment – Where possible, states, tribes and other jurisdictions identify where pollutants or stressors
(causes of impairment) are coming from. These sources of impairment are the activities, facilities, or conditions that
generate the pollutants that keep waters from meeting the criteria adopted by the states to protect designated uses.
Sources of impairment include, for example, municipal sewage treatment plants, factories, storm sewers, CSOs,
modification of hydrology, agricultural runoff, and runoff from city streets.
Sub-Sewershed Area – An area within a CSS that drains to one CSO outfall.
Tier III Waters - Federal guidance establishes three levels or tiers of nondegradation, which is the model states are to use
when adopting nondegradation provisions. Tier III provides the highest level of protection from pollution to waters
specifically identified as very high quality, important recreational resources, ecologically sensitive or unique.
Total Suspended Solids (TSS) – A measure of the filterable solids present in a sample of water or wastewater (as
determined by the method specified in 40 CFR Part 136).
Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) – A facility containing a series of tanks, screens, filters, and other processes by
which pollutants are removed from water.
Water Quality Standards –Standards established by regulatory agencies that consist of the beneficial use or uses of a
waterbody, the numeric and narrative water quality criteria that are necessary to protect the use or uses of that particular
waterbody, and an antidegradation statement.
Wet Weather Event – A discharge from a combined sewer that occurs in direct response to rainfall or snowmelt.
Wet Weather Flow – Dry weather flow combined with stormwater introduced into a combined sewer.
Wet Weather Flow Conditions – Hydraulic flow conditions within the combined sewer system resulting from a wet
weather event.
The LTCP-EZ Template: A Planning Tool for CSO Control in Small Communities
Metcalf and Eddy, 2003. Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse. 4th ed.
Midwest Climate Center, 1992. Rainfall Frequency Atlas of the Midwest.
U.S. EPA, 1994. Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Control Policy. EPA 830-B-94-001.
U.S. EPA, 1995. Office of Water. Combined Sewer Overflows Guidance for Long-Term
Control Plans. EPA 832-B-95-002.
U.S. EPA, 1995. Office of Water. Combined Sewer Overflows Guidance for Nine
Minimum Control Measures. EPA 832-B-95-003.
U.S. EPA, 1995. Office of Water. Combined Sewer Overflows Guidance for Permit
Writers. EPA 832-B-95-008.
U.S. EPA, 1997. Combined Sewer Overflows: Guidance for Financial Capability
Assessment and Schedule Development. EPA 832-B-97-004.
Appendix A
The LTCP-EZ Template: A Planning Tool for CSO Control in Small Communities
CT Fairfield 0.87 IL Johnson 0.90 IL Will 0.76 IN Miami 0.71
CT Hartford 0.87 IL Kane 0.76 IL Williamson 0.90 IN Monroe 0.81
CT Litchfield 0.87 IL Kankakee 0.76 IL Winnebago 0.78 IN Montgomery 0.79
CT Middlesex 0.87 IL Kendall 0.76 IL Woodford 0.76 IN Morgan 0.74
CT New Haven 0.87 IL Knox 0.84 IN Adams 0.65 IN Newton 0.73
CT New London 0.87 IL La Salle 0.76 IN Allen 0.65 IN Noble 0.65
CT Tolland 0.87 IL Lake 0.76 IN Bartholomew 0.74 IN Ohio 0.74
CT Windham 0.87 IL Lawrence 0.79 IN Benton 0.73 IN Orange 0.81
DE Kent 0.87 IL Lee 0.78 IN Blackford 0.69 IN Owen 0.79
DE New Castle 0.87 IL Livingston 0.74 IN Boone 0.74 IN Parke 0.79
DE Sussex
0.87 IL Logan 0.76 IN Brown 0.81 IN Perry 0.81
DC DC 0.87 IL Macon 0.76 IN Carroll 0.74 IN Pike 0.83
IL Adams 0.84 IL Macoupin 0.79 IN Cass 0.71 IN Porter 0.73
IL Alexander 0.90 IL Madison 0.81 IN Clark 0.74 IN Posey 0.83
IL Bond 0.81 IL Marion 0.79 IN Clay 0.79 IN Pulaski 0.73
IL Boone 0.78 IL Marshall 0.76 IN Clinton 0.74 IN Putnam 0.79
IL Brown 0.76 IL Mason 0.76 IN Crawford 0.81 IN Randolph 0.69
IL Bureau 0.78 IL Massac 0.90 IN Daviess 0.83 IN Ripley 0.74
IL Calhoun 0.79 IL McDonough 0.84 IN Dearborn 0.74 IN Rush 0.74
IL Carroll 0.78 IL McHenry 0.76 IN Decatur 0.74 IN Scott 0.74
IL Cass 0.79 IL McLean 0.76 IN DeKalb 0.65 IN Shelby 0.74
IL Champaign 0.74 IL
Menard 0.79 IN Delaware 0.69 IN Spencer 0.83
IL Christian 0.79 IL Mercer 0.78 IN Dubois 0.83 IN St. Joseph 0.71
IL Clark 0.77 IL Monroe 0.81 IN Elkhart 0.71 IN Starke 0.73
IL Clay 0.79 IL Montgomery 0.79 IN Fayette 0.69 IN Steuben 0.65
IL Clinton 0.81 IL Morgan 0.79 IN Floyd 0.81 IN Sullivan 0.83
IL Coles 0.77 IL Moultrie 0.77 IN Fountain 0.79 IN Switzerland 0.74
IL Cook 0.76 IL Ogle 0.78 IN Franklin 0.74 IN Tippecanoe 0.79
IL Crawford 0.77 IL Peoria 0.76 IN Fulton 0.71 IN Tipton 0.74
IL Cumberland 0.77 IL Perry 0.81 IN Gibson 0.83 IN Union 0.69
IL De Witt 0.76 IL Piatt 0.76 IN Grant 0.74 IN Vanderburgh 0.83
IL DeKalb 0.76 IL Pike 0.79 IN Greene 0.83 IN Vermillion 0.79
IL Douglas 0.77 IL Pope 0.90
IN Hamilton 0.74 IN Vigo 0.79
IL DuPage 0.76 IL Pulaski 0.90 IN Hancock 0.74 IN Wabash 0.71
IL Edgar 0.77 IL Putnam 0.78 IN Harrison 0.81 IN Warren 0.79
IL Edwards 0.79 IL Randolph 0.81 IN Hendricks 0.74 IN Warrick 0.83
IL Effingham 0.77 IL Richland 0.79 IN Henry 0.69 IN Washington 0.81
IL Fayette 0.77 IL Rock Island 0.78 IN Howard 0.74 IN Wayne 0.69
IL Ford 0.74 IL Saline 0.90 IN Huntington 0.65 IN Wells 0.65
IL Franklin 0.79 IL Sangamon 0.79 IN Jackson 0.81 IN White 0.73
IL Fulton 0.76 IL Schuyler 0.76 IN Jasper 0.73 IN Whitley 0.65
IL Gallatin 0.90 IL Scott 0.79 IN Jay 0.69 IA Adair 0.83
IL Greene 0.79 IL Shelby 0.77 IN Jefferson 0.74 IA Adams 0.83
IL Grundy 0.76 IL St. Clair 0.81 IN Jennings
0.74 IA Allamakee 0.70
IL Hamilton 0.79 IL Stark 0.76 IN Johnson 0.74 IA Appanoose 0.75
IL Hancock 0.84 IL Stephenson 0.78 IN Knox 0.83 IA Audubon 0.75
IL Hardin 0.90 IL Tazewell 0.76 IN Kosciusko 0.71 IA Benton 0.72
IL Henderson 0.84 IL Union 0.90 IN Lagrange 0.65 IA Black Hawk 0.70
IL Henry 0.78 IL Vermilion 0.74 IN Lake 0.73 IA Boone 0.72
IL Iroquois 0.74 IL Wabash 0.79 IN LaPorte 0.73 IA Bremer 0.70
IL Jackson 0.90 IL Warren 0.84 IN Lawrence 0.81 IA Buchanan 0.70
IL Jasper 0.77 IL Washington 0.81 IN Madison 0.74 IA Buena Vista 0.67
IL Jefferson 0.79 IL Wayne 0.79 IN Marion 0.74 IA Butler 0.71
IL Jersey 0.79 IL White 0.79 IN Marshall 0.71 IA Calhoun 0.75
IL Jo Daviess 0.78 IL Whiteside 0.78 IN Martin 0.83 IA
Carroll 0.75
Appendix A: One-Hour Three-Month Rainfall Intensities, SCHEDULE 4 – CSO VOLUME
IA Cass 0.83 IA Muscatine 0.72 KY Clinton 0.88 KY Meade 0.88
IA Cedar 0.72 IA O'Brien 0.67 KY Crittenden 0.93 KY Menifee 0.80
IA Cerro Gordo 0.71 IA Osceola 0.67 KY Cumberland 0.88 KY Mercer 0.77
IA Cherokee 0.67 IA Page 0.83 KY Daviess 0.93 KY Metcalfe 0.88
IA Chickasaw 0.70 IA Palo Alto 0.67 KY Edmonson 0.88 KY Monroe 0.88
IA Clarke 0.75 IA Plymouth 0.67 KY Elliott 0.80 KY Montgomery 0.77
IA Clay 0.67 IA Pocahontas 0.67 KY Estill 0.80 KY Morgan 0.80
IA Clayton 0.70 IA Polk 0.72 KY Fayette 0.77 KY Muhlenberg 0.93
IA Clinton 0.72 IA
0.83 KY Fleming 0.77 KY Nelson 0.88
IA Crawford 0.75 IA Poweshiek 0.72 KY Floyd 0.80 KY Nicholas 0.77
IA Dallas 0.72 IA Ringgold 0.75 KY Franklin 0.77 KY Ohio 0.93
IA Davis 0.75 IA Sac 0.75 KY Fulton 0.93 KY Oldham 0.77
IA Decatur 0.75 IA Scott 0.72 KY Gallatin 0.77 KY Owen 0.77
IA Delaware 0.70 IA Shelby 0.75 KY Garrard 0.77 KY Owsley 0.80
IA Des Moines 0.75 IA Sioux 0.67 KY Grant 0.77 KY Pendleton 0.77
IA Dickinson 0.67 IA Story 0.72 KY Graves 0.93 KY Perry 0.80
IA Dubuque 0.70 IA Tama 0.72 KY Grayson 0.88 KY Pike 0.80
IA Emmet 0.67 IA Taylor 0.83 KY Green 0.88 KY Powell 0.80
IA Fayette 0.70 IA Union 0.75 KY Greenup 0.80 KY Pulaski 0.80
IA Floyd 0.71 IA Van Buren 0.75 KY Hancock 0.93 KY Robertson 0.77
IA Franklin 0.71 IA Wapello 0.75 KY Hardin 0.88 KY Rockcastle 0.80
IA Fremont 0.83 IA Warren 0.75 KY Harlan 0.80 KY Rowan 0.80
IA Greene 0.75 IA Washington 0.75 KY Harrison 0.77 KY Russell 0.88
IA Grundy 0.72 IA Wayne 0.75 KY Hart 0.88 KY Scott 0.77
IA Guthrie 0.75 IA Webster 0.72 KY Henderson 0.93 KY Shelby 0.77
IA Hamilton 0.72 IA Winnebago 0.71 KY Henry 0.77 KY Simpson 0.93
IA Hancock 0.71 IA Winneshiek 0.70 KY Hickman 0.93 KY Spencer 0.77
IA Hardin 0.72 IA Woodbury 0.75 KY Hopkins 0.93 KY Taylor 0.88
IA Harrison 0.75 IA Worth 0.71 KY Jackson 0.80 KY Todd 0.93
IA Henry 0.75 IA Wright 0.71 KY Jefferson 0.88 KY Trigg 0.93
IA Howard 0.70 KY Adair 0.88 KY Jessamine 0.77
KY Trimble 0.77
IA Humboldt 0.71 KY Allen 0.88 KY Johnson 0.80 KY Union 0.93
IA Ida 0.75 KY Anderson 0.77 KY Kenton 0.77 KY Warren 0.88
IA Iowa 0.72 KY Ballard 0.93 KY Knott 0.80 KY Washington 0.77
IA Jackson 0.72 KY Barren 0.88 KY Knox 0.80 KY Wayne 0.80
IA Jasper 0.72 KY Bath 0.77 KY Larue 0.88 KY Webster 0.93
IA Jefferson 0.75 KY Bell 0.80 KY Laurel 0.80 KY Whitley 0.80
IA Johnson 0.72 KY Boone 0.77 KY Lawrence 0.80 KY Wolfe 0.80
IA Jones 0.72 KY Bourbon 0.77 KY Lee 0.80 KY Woodford 0.77
IA Keokuk 0.75 KY Boyd 0.80 KY Leslie 0.80 ME
IA Kossuth 0.71 KY Boyle 0.77 KY Letcher 0.80 ME Aroostook 0.62
IA Lee 0.75 KY Bracken 0.77 KY Lewis 0.80 ME Cumberland 0.75
IA Linn 0.72 KY Breathitt 0.80 KY Lincoln 0.77 ME Franklin 0.75
IA Louisa 0.75 KY Breckinridge 0.88 KY Livingston 0.93 ME Hancock 0.75
IA Lucas 0.75 KY Bullitt 0.88 KY Logan 0.93 ME Kennebec 0.75
IA Lyon 0.67 KY Butler 0.88 KY Lyon 0.93 ME Knox 0.75
IA Madison 0.75 KY Calloway 0.93 KY Madison 0.77 ME Lincoln 0.75
IA Mahaska 0.75 KY Campbell 0.77 KY Magoffin 0.80 ME Oxford 0.87
IA Marion 0.75 KY Carlisle 0.93 KY Marion 0.88 ME Penobscot 0.75
IA Marshall 0.72 KY Carroll 0.77 KY Marshall 0.93 ME Piscataquis 0.75
IA Mills 0.83 KY Carter 0.80 KY Martin 0.80 ME Sagadahoc 0.75
Mitchell 0.71 KY Casey 0.88 KY Mason 0.77 ME Somerset 0.75
IA Monona 0.75 KY Christian 0.93 KY McCracken 0.93 ME Waldo 0.75
IA Monroe 0.75 KY Clark 0.77 KY McCreary 0.80 ME Washington 0.75
IA Montgomery 0.83 KY Clay 0.80 KY McLean 0.93 ME York 0.75
The LTCP-EZ Template: A Planning Tool for CSO Control in Small Communities
MD Allegany 0.75 MI Clare 0.56 MI Saginaw 0.52 MO Howard 0.76
MD Anne Arundel 0.87 MI Clinton 0.61 MI Sanilac 0.52 MO Howell 0.84
MD Baltimore 0.87 MI Crawford 0.51 MI Schoolcraft 0.50 MO Iron 0.84
MD Baltimore City 0.87 MI Delta 0.50 MI Shiawassee 0.61 MO Jackson 0.76
MD Calvert 0.87 MI Dickinson 0.59 MI St. Clair 0.56 MO Jasper 0.90
MD Caroline 0.87 MI Eaton 0.61 MI St. Joseph 0.61 MO Jefferson 0.84
MD Carroll 0.87 MI Emmet 0.49 MI Tuscola 0.52 MO Johnson 0.84
MD Cecil 0.87 MI Genesee 0.56 MI Van Buren 0.59 MO Knox 0.75
MD Charles 0.87 MI Gladwin 0.56 MI Washtenaw 0.56 MO Laclede 0.90
MD Dorchester 0.87 MI Gogebic 0.59 MI Wayne 0.56 MO Lafayette 0.76
MD Frederick
0.87 MI Grand Traverse 0.49 MI Wexford 0.49 MO Lawrence 0.90
MD Garrett 0.75 MI Gratiot 0.56 MO Adair 0.75 MO Lewis 0.75
MD Harford 0.87 MI Hillsdale 0.61 MO Andrew 0.76 MO Lincoln 0.75
MD Howard 0.87 MI Houghton 0.59 MO Atchison 0.76 MO Linn 0.76
MD Kent 0.87 MI Huron 0.52 MO Audrain 0.75 MO Livingston 0.76
MD Montgomery 0.87 MI Ingham 0.61 MO Barry 0.90 MO Macon 0.75
MD Prince George's 0.87 MI Ionia 0.61 MO Barton 0.90 MO Madison 0.84
MD Queen Anne's 0.87 MI Iosco 0.51 MO Bates 0.84 MO Maries 0.84
MD Somerset 1.00 MI Iron 0.59 MO Benton 0.84 MO Marion 0.75
MD St. Mary's 0.87 MI Isabella 0.56 MO Bollinger 0.84 MO McDonald 0.90
MD Talbot 0.87 MI Jackson 0.61 MO Boone 0.75 MO Mercer 0.76
MD Washington 0.75 MI
Kalamazoo 0.59 MO Buchanan 0.76 MO Miller 0.84
MD Wicomico 0.87 MI Kalkaska 0.49 MO Butler 0.84 MO Mississippi 0.90
MD Worcester 1.00 MI Kent 0.59 MO Caldwell 0.76 MO Moniteau 0.84
MA Barnstable 0.87 MI Keweenaw 0.59 MO Callaway 0.75 MO Monroe 0.75
MA Berkshire 0.75 MI Lake 0.53 MO Camden 0.84 MO Montgomery 0.75
MA Bristol 0.87 MI Lapeer 0.56 MO Cape Girardeau 0.84 MO Morgan 0.84
MA Dukes 0.87 MI Leelanau 0.49 MO Carroll 0.76 MO New Madrid 0.90
MA Essex 0.87 MI Lenawee 0.56 MO Carter 0.84 MO Newton 0.90
MA Franklin 0.75 MI Livingston 0.56 MO Cass 0.84 MO Nodaway 0.76
MA Hampden 0.87 MI Luce 0.50 MO Cedar 0.84 MO Oregon 0.84
MA Hampshire 0.75 MI Mackinac 0.50 MO Chariton 0.76 MO Osage 0.75
MA Middlesex 0.87 MI Macomb 0.56
MO Christian 0.90 MO Ozark 0.90
MA Nantucket 0.87 MI Manistee 0.49 MO Clark 0.75 MO Pemiscot 0.90
MA Norfolk 0.87 MI Marquette 0.59 MO Clay 0.76 MO Perry 0.84
MA Plymouth 0.87 MI Mason 0.53 MO Clinton 0.76 MO Pettis 0.84
MA Suffolk 0.87 MI Mecosta 0.56 MO Cole 0.84 MO Phelps 0.84
MA Worcester 0.87 MI Menominee 0.59 MO Cooper 0.84 MO Pike 0.75
MI Alcona 0.51 MI Midland 0.56 MO Crawford 0.84 MO Platte 0.76
MI Alger 0.50 MI Missaukee 0.49 MO Dade 0.90 MO Polk 0.90
MI Allegan 0.59 MI Monroe 0.56 MO Dallas 0.90 MO Pulaski 0.84
MI Alpena 0.51 MI Montcalm 0.56 MO Daviess 0.76 MO Putnam 0.76
MI Antrim 0.49 MI Montmorency 0.51 MO DeKalb 0.76 MO Ralls 0.75
MI Arenac 0.52 MI Muskegon 0.53 MO Dent
0.84 MO Randolph 0.75
MI Baraga 0.59 MI Newaygo 0.53 MO Douglas 0.90 MO Ray 0.76
MI Barry 0.61 MI Oakland 0.56 MO Dunklin 0.90 MO Reynolds 0.84
MI Bay 0.52 MI Oceana 0.53 MO Franklin 0.75 MO Ripley 0.84
MI Benzie 0.49 MI Ogemaw 0.51 MO Gasconade 0.75 MO Saline 0.76
MI Berrien 0.59 MI Ontonagon 0.59 MO Gentry 0.76 MO Schuyler 0.75
MI Branch 0.61 MI Osceola 0.56 MO Greene 0.90 MO Scotland 0.75
MI Calhoun 0.61 MI Oscoda 0.51 MO Grundy 0.76 MO Scott 0.90
MI Cass 0.59 MI Otsego 0.51 MO Harrison 0.76 MO Shannon 0.84
MI Charlevoix 0.49 MI Ottawa 0.59 MO Henry 0.84 MO Shelby 0.75
MI Cheboygan 0.51 MI Presque Isle 0.51 MO Hickory 0.84 MO St. Charles 0.75
MI Chippewa 0.50 MI Roscommon 0.51 MO Holt 0.76 MO
St. Clair 0.84
Appendix A: One-Hour Three-Month Rainfall Intensities, SCHEDULE 4 – CSO VOLUME
MO St. Francois 0.84 NY Chenango 0.75 OH Allen 0.61 OH Montgomery 0.70
MO St. Louis 0.75 NY Clinton 0.62 OH Ashland 0.63 OH Morgan 0.61
MO St. Louis City 0.75 NY Columbia 0.75 OH Ashtabula 0.61 OH Morrow 0.65
MO Ste. Genevieve 0.84 NY Cortland 0.75 OH Athens 0.61 OH Muskingum 0.61
MO Stoddard 0.90 NY Delaware 0.75 OH Auglaize 0.65 OH Noble 0.61
MO Stone 0.90 NY Dutchess 1.00 OH Belmont 0.61 OH Ottawa 0.60
MO Sullivan 0.76 NY Erie 0.62 OH Brown 0.70 OH Paulding 0.61
MO Taney 0.90 NY Essex 0.62 OH Butler 0.70 OH Perry 0.61
MO Texas 0.84 NY Franklin 0.62 OH Carroll 0.61 OH Pickaway 0.65
MO Vernon 0.84 NY Fulton 0.75 OH Champaign 0.65 OH Pike 0.69
Warren 0.75 NY Genesee 0.62 OH Clark 0.65 OH Portage 0.61
MO Washington 0.84 NY Greene 0.87 OH Clermont 0.70 OH Preble 0.70
MO Wayne 0.84 NY Hamilton 0.62 OH Clinton 0.70 OH Putnam 0.61
MO Webster 0.90 NY Herkimer 0.62 OH Columbiana 0.61 OH Richland 0.63
MO Worth 0.76 NY Jefferson 0.62 OH Coshocton 0.63 OH Ross 0.69
MO Wright 0.90 NY Kings 0.87 OH Crawford 0.60 OH Sandusky 0.60
NH Belknap 0.75 NY Lewis 0.62 OH Cuyahoga 0.61 OH Scioto 0.69
NH Carroll 0.87 NY Livingston 0.62 OH Darke 0.65 OH Seneca 0.60
NH Cheshire 0.75 NY Madison 0.75 OH Defiance 0.61 OH Shelby 0.65
NH Coos 0.87 NY Monroe 0.62 OH Delaware 0.65 OH Stark 0.61
NH Grafton 0.75 NY Montgomery 0.75 OH Erie 0.60 OH Summit 0.61
NH Hillsborough 0.75
NY Nassau 0.87 OH Fairfield 0.65 OH Trumbull 0.61
NH Merrimack 0.75 NY New York 0.87 OH Fayette 0.65 OH Tuscarawas 0.61
NH Rockingham 0.75 NY Niagara 0.62 OH Franklin 0.65 OH Union 0.65
NH Strafford 0.75 NY Oneida 0.75 OH Fulton 0.61 OH Van Wert 0.61
NH Sullivan 0.75 NY Onondaga 0.75 OH Gallia 0.69 OH Vinton 0.61
NJ Atlantic 0.87 NY Ontario 0.62 OH Geauga 0.61 OH Warren 0.70
NJ Bergen 0.87 NY Orange 0.87 OH Greene 0.70 OH Washington 0.61
NJ Burlington 0.87 NY Orleans 0.62 OH Guernsey 0.61 OH Wayne 0.63
NJ Camden 0.87 NY Oswego 0.62 OH Hamilton 0.70 OH Williams 0.61
NJ Cape May 0.87 NY Otsego 0.75 OH Hancock 0.61 OH Wood 0.61
NJ Cumberland 0.87 NY Putnam 0.87 OH Hardin 0.65 OH Wyandot 0.60
NJ Essex 0.87 NY Queens
0.87 OH Harrison 0.61 PA Adams 0.75
NJ Gloucester 0.87 NY Rensselaer 0.75 OH Henry 0.61 PA Allegheny 0.75
NJ Hudson 0.87 NY Richmond 0.87 OH Highland 0.70 PA Armstrong 0.75
NJ Hunterdon 0.87 NY Rockland 0.87 OH Hocking 0.61 PA Beaver 0.75
NJ Mercer 0.87 NY Saratoga 0.75 OH Holmes 0.63 PA Bedford 0.75
NJ Middlesex 0.87 NY Schenectady 0.75 OH Huron 0.60 PA Berks 0.87
NJ Monmouth 0.87 NY Schoharie 0.75 OH Jackson 0.69 PA Blair 0.75
NJ Morris 0.87 NY Schuyler 0.75 OH Jefferson 0.61 PA Bradford 0.75
NJ Ocean 0.87 NY Seneca 0.75 OH Knox 0.63 PA Bucks 0.87
NJ Passaic 0.87 NY St. Lawrence 0.62 OH Lake 0.61 PA Butler 0.75
NJ Salem 0.87 NY Steuben 0.75 OH Lawrence 0.69 PA Cambria 0.75
NJ Somerset 0.87 NY Suffolk 0.87 OH
Licking 0.65 PA Cameron 0.75
NJ Sussex 0.87 NY Sullivan 0.87 OH Logan 0.65 PA Carbon 0.75
NJ Union 0.87 NY Tioga 0.75 OH Lorain 0.60 PA Centre 0.75
NJ Warren 0.87 NY Tompkins 0.75 OH Lucas 0.61 PA Chester 0.87
NY Albany 0.75 NY Ulster 1.00 OH Madison 0.65 PA Clarion 0.75
NY Allegany 0.75 NY Warren 0.62 OH Mahoning 0.61 PA Clearfield 0.75
NY Bronx 0.87 NY Washington 0.75 OH Marion 0.65 PA Clinton 0.75
NY Broome 0.75 NY Wayne 0.62 OH Medina 0.61 PA Columbia 0.75
NY Cattaraugus 0.75 NY Westchester 0.87 OH Meigs 0.69 PA Crawford 0.62
NY Cayuga 0.75 NY Wyoming 0.62 OH Mercer 0.65 PA Cumberland 0.75
NY Chautauqua 0.62 NY Yates 0.75 OH Miami 0.65 PA Dauphin 0.75
NY Chemung 0.75 OH Adams 0.69 OH Monroe 0.61
PA Delaware 0.87
The LTCP-EZ Template: A Planning Tool for CSO Control in Small Communities
Elk 0.75 VT Grand Isle 0.62 VA Hanover 0.87 VA Suffolk 1.00
PA Erie 0.62 VT Lamoille 0.62 VA Henrico 0.87 VA Surry 1.00
PA Fayette 0.75 VT Orange 0.62 VA Henry 1.00 VA Sussex 1.00
PA Forest 0.75 VT Orleans 0.62 VA Highland 0.75 VA Tazewell 0.75
Franklin 0.75 VT Rutland 0.75 VA Hopewell 0.87 VA Virginia Beach 1.00
PA Fulton 0.75 VT Washington 0.62 VA Isle of Wight 1.00 VA Warren 1.00
PA Greene 0.75 VT Windham 0.75 VA James City 1.00 VA Washington 0.75
PA Huntingdon 0.75 VT Windsor 0.75 VA King and Queen 0.87 VA Westmoreland 0.87
Indiana 0.75 VA Accomack 1.00 VA King George 0.87 VA Williamsburg 1.00
PA Jefferson 0.75 VA Albemarle 1.00 VA King William 0.87 VA Wise 0.75
PA Juniata 0.75 VA Alexandria 0.87 VA Lancaster 0.87 VA Wythe 0.75
PA Lackawanna 0.75 VA Alleghany 0.75 VA Lee 0.75 VA York 1.00
Lancaster 0.87 VA Amelia 0.87 VA Loudoun 0.87 WV Barbour 0.75
PA Lawrence 0.62 VA Amherst 1.00 VA Louisa 0.87 WV Berkeley 0.75
PA Lebanon 0.75 VA Appomattox 1.00 VA Lunenburg 0.87 WV Boone 0.75
PA Lehigh 0.87 VA Augusta 1.00 VA Lynchburg 1.00 WV Braxton 0.75
Luzerne 0.75 VA Bath 0.75 VA Madison 1.00 WV Brooke 0.75
PA Lycoming 0.75 VA Bedford 1.00 VA Manassas 0.87 WV Cabell 0.75
PA McKean 0.75 VA Bland 0.75 VA Manassas Park 0.87 WV Calhoun 0.75
PA Mercer 0.62 VA Botetourt 1.00 VA Mathews 1.00 WV Clay 0.75
Mifflin 0.75 VA Brunswick 0.87 VA Mecklenburg 0.87 WV Doddridge 0.75
PA Monroe 0.75
VA Buchanan 0.75 VA Middlesex 0.87 WV Fayette 0.75
PA Montgomery 0.87 VA Buckingham 1.00 VA Montgomery 0.87 WV Gilmer 0.75
PA Montour 0.75 VA Campbell 1.00 VA Nelson 1.00 WV Grant 0.75
Northampton 0.87 VA Caroline 0.87 VA New Kent 0.87 WV Greenbrier 0.75
PA Northumberland 0.75 VA Carroll 0.87 VA Newport News 1.00 WV Hampshire 0.75
PA Perry 0.75 VA Charles City 0.87 VA Norfolk 1.00 WV Hancock 0.75
PA Philadelphia 0.87 VA Charlotte 0.87 VA Northampton 1.00 WV Hardy 0.75
Pike 0.75 VA Chesapeake 1.00 VA Northumberland 0.87 WV Harrison 0.75
PA Potter 0.75 VA Chesterfield 0.87 VA Nottoway 0.87 WV Jackson 0.75
PA Schuylkill 0.75 VA Clarke 0.87 VA Orange 1.00 WV Jefferson 0.87
PA Snyder 0.75 VA Colonial Heights 0.87 VA Page 1.00 WV Kanawha 0.75
Somerset 0.75 VA Craig 0.75 VA Patrick 1.00 WV Lewis 0.75
PA Sullivan 0.75 VA Culpeper 1.00 VA Petersburg 0.87 WV Lincoln 0.75
PA Susquehanna 0.75 VA Cumberland 0.87 VA Pittsylvania 0.87 WV Logan 0.75
PA Tioga 0.75 VA Dickenson 0.75 VA Poquoson 1.00 WV Marion 0.75
Union 0.75 VA Dinwiddie 0.87 VA Portsmouth 1.00 WV Marshall 0.75
PA Venango 0.75 VA Essex 0.87 VA Powhatan 0.87 WV Mason 0.75
PA Warren 0.75 VA Fairfax 0.87 VA Prince Edward 0.87 WV McDowell 0.75
PA Washington 0.75 VA Fairfax City 0.87 VA Prince George 0.87 WV Mercer 0.75
Wayne 0.75 VA Falls Church 0.87 VA Prince William 0.87 WV Mineral 0.75
PA Westmoreland 0.75 VA Fauquier 1.00 VA Pulaski 0.75 WV Mingo 0.75
PA Wyoming 0.75 VA Floyd 0.87 VA Rappahannock 1.00 WV Monongalia 0.75
PA York 0.87 VA Fluvanna 1.00 VA Richmond 0.87 WV Monroe 0.75
Bristol 0.87 VA Franklin 1.00 VA Richmond City 0.87 WV Morgan 0.75
RI Kent 0.87 VA Frederick 0.75 VA Roanoke 1.00 WV Nicholas 0.75
RI Newport 0.87 VA Fredericksburg 0.87 VA Rockbridge 1.00 WV Ohio 0.75
Providence 0.87 VA Giles 0.75 VA Rockingham 1.00 WV Pendleton 0.75
Washington 0.87 VA Gloucester 1.00 VA Russell 0.75 WV Pleasants 0.75
VT Addison 0.62 VA Goochland 0.87 VA Scott 0.75 WV Pocahontas 0.75
VT Bennington 0.75 VA Grayson 0.75 VA Shenandoah 0.87 WV Preston 0.75
VT Caledonia 0.62 VA Greene 1.00 VA Smyth 0.75 WV Putnam 0.75
VT Chittenden 0.62 VA Greensville 1.00 VA Southampton 1.00 WV Raleigh 0.75
VT Essex 0.62 VA Halifax 0.87 VA Spotsylvania 0.87 WV Randolph 0.75
VT Franklin 0.62 VA Hampton 1.00 VA Stafford 0.87
WV Ritchie 0.75
Appendix A: One-Hour Three-Month Rainfall Intensities, SCHEDULE 4 – CSO VOLUME
WV Roane 0.75 WI Oneida 0.67
WV Summers 0.75
WI Outagamie 0.59
WV Taylor 0.75 WI Ozaukee 0.65
WV Tucker 0.75 WI Pepin 0.67
WV Tyler
0.75 WI Pierce 0.67
WV Upshur 0.75 WI Polk 0.67
WV Wayne 0.75
WI Portage 0.65
WV Webster 0.75 WI Price 0.67
WV Wetzel 0.75 WI Racine 0.65
WV Wirt
0.75 WI Richland 0.68
WV Wood 0.75 WI Rock 0.68
WV Wyoming 0.75
WI Rusk 0.67
WI Adams 0.65 WI Sauk 0.68
WI Ashland 0.67 WI Sawyer 0.67
WI Barron
0.67 WI Shawano 0.57
WI Bayfield 0.67 WI Sheboygan 0.59
WI Brown 0.59
WI St. Croix 0.67
WI Buffalo 0.67 WI Taylor 0.67
WI Burnett 0.67 WI Trempealeau 0.67
WI Calumet
0.59 WI Vernon 0.68
WI Chippewa 0.67 WI Vilas 0.67
WI Clark
WI Walworth 0.65
WI Columbia 0.68 WI Washburn 0.67
WI Crawford 0.68 WI Washington 0.65
WI Dane
0.68 WI Waukesha 0.65
WI Dodge 0.68 WI Waupaca 0.65
WI Door 0.59
WI Waushara 0.65
WI Douglas 0.67 WI Winnebago 0.59
WI Dunn 0.67 WI Wood 0.65
WI Eau Claire
WI Florence 0.57
WI Fond Du Lac 0.59
WI Forest 0.57
WI Grant 0.68
WI Green 0.68
WI Green Lake 0.65
WI Iowa 0.68
WI Iron 0.67
WI Jackson 0.67
WI Jefferson 0.68
WI Juneau 0.65
WI Kenosha 0.65
WI Kewaunee 0.59
WI La Crosse 0.67
WI Lafayette 0.68
WI Langlade 0.57
WI Lincoln 0.67
WI Manitowoc 0.59
WI Marathon 0.67
WI Marinette 0.57
WI Marquette 0.65
WI Menominee 0.57
WI Milwaukee 0.65
WI Monroe 0.67
WI Oconto 0.57
Appendix B
The LTCP-EZ Template: A Planning Tool for CSO Control in Small Communities
It is necessary to make several important estimates within Schedule 4: CSO Volume. These estimates are for
quantification of the amount of combined sewage that overflows, the amount of combined sewage that is
diverted to an interceptor and transported to the WWTP, and, in some instances, the amount of combined
sewage that goes untreated at the WWTP. Continuous simulation hydrology and hydraulic models like SWMM
are often applied for these purposes. However, in the spirit of keeping LTCP-EZ easy, simple relationships and
equations were utilized instead of detailed models. This Appendix describes the method used to make these
estimations within the LTCP-EZ Template.
Overflow Fraction of Combined Sewage
The fraction of runoff volume that overflows at the CSO hydraulic control at the lower end of a sub-sewershed
is dependent on peak flow rate within the sub-sewershed (runoff plus dry weather flow) and the hydraulic
control capacity. The peak runoff rate (Q
) for the one-hour, three-month rainfall is calculated with the rational
method. Similarly, the total volume of runoff (V
) for the 24-hour, three-month rainfall is also calculated with the
rational method. The peak runoff rate is compared with the capacity of the hydraulic control to determine
whether or not an overflow occurs. The volume of overflow (V
) depends on the shape of the runoff hydrograph
through the 24-hour rainfall period.
Dimensional reasoning suggests that the ratio of overflow volume to total runoff volume is a function of the
ratio of hydraulic control capacity to the peak runoff rate. It can be shown that, for a triangular hydrograph, the
following relationship holds:
where V
= volume of overflow (MG);
= total volume of runoff (MG);
= hydraulic control or pump station capacity (MGD); and
= peak runoff rate (MGD).
The overflow fraction of combined sewage in Schedule 4: CSO Volume is defined as the ratio of overflow
volume to total volume, and is calculated as follows:
where f
= overflow fraction of combined sewage [--].
The actual overflow volume is then computed as follows:
= f
The situation from which Equation 1 was derived is depicted in Figure 1. Empirical studies show that actual
runoff hydrographs are likely to be shaped more “concave up” relative to the triangular assumption, so that the
fraction of overflow volu
me would be less than that predicted with Equation 1. To test this, the RUNOFF block
within the SWMM Model was used to generate runoff hydrographs from design storms of various lengths, and
for a variety of catchment characteristics. A series of fractional overflow volumes were then computed from the
resulting hydrographs by varying the hydraulic control flow rate, and the fractional volumes were compared
Appendix B: Hydraulic Calculations within LTCP-EZ SCHEDULE 4 – CSO VOLUME and SCHEDULE 5 – CSO CONTROL
with Equation 1. Three sets of catchments (designated as set A, set B, and set C) were used. These
catchments represent a wide range of CSO subsewershed conditions and are representative of the co
that would typically be found in a CSO community. Set A consisted of 161 catchments with areas ranging from
2.7 to 174 acres, and ground slopes ranging from 0.0002 to 0.0173. Set B consisted of 161 catchments with
areas ranging from 0.3 to 37 acres, and ground slopes ranging from 0.0024 to 0.129. Set C consisted of 101
catchments with areas ranging from 16 to 4630 acres, and ground slopes ranging from 0.004 to 0.100. The
results are depicted in Figure 2, which shows that the observed ratios of overflow volume (represented by th
individual points) are below the predicted ratios of overflow volume for all regulator flow/peak flow ratios
(represented by the solid line). This suggests that the use of Equation 1 will provide conservative estima
tes of
the volume of overflow at a CSO hydraulic control.
It should be noted that the model results from this te
st are dependent on the assumed shape of the design
storm hyetograph. This test and the SWMM Model application were based on the third quartile distribution o
heavy rainfall at a point, taken from Table 10 of “Rainfall Frequency Atlas of the Midwest” (Huff and Angel,
1992). Use of rainfall at a point was considered appropriate for the relatively small sewersheds of LTCP-EZ
permittees (less than 1,000 acres). The third quartile distribution is specified for storms of 12 to 24 hours.
Diversion Fraction of Combined Sewage
It is intuitive that the volume of runoff diverted to
the interceptor and the WWTP is the difference between the
total volume of runoff and the volume that overflows. However, if the estimate of overflow volume is
conservatively high (using Equation 1), then calculating diversion by subtraction (that is, 1-Equation 1
) will tend
to underestimate the volume diverted. An alternate approach called the Hyetograph Approach was developed
to determine a better and more conservative estimate of the fraction of runoff diverted to the interceptor and
the WWTP. The Hyetograph Approach is also based on the ratio of hydraulic control capacity to peak runoff
rate. It is recognized that a small degree of “double counting” occurs when the two approaches are used
together. That is, the total estimated overflow plus the total estimated conveyance slightly exceeds the tot
runoff plus dry weather sanitary flow. This is acceptable, however, in that it provides a conservative estimate
for both quantities, rather than forcing one quantity to be conservative at the expense of the other.
The Hyetograph Approach assumes that the runoff hydrograph has the same shape as the rainfall h
and that the total volume diverted is simply the sum of the volumes less than Q
added up over the course of
the storm. This concept is graphically depicted in Figure 3, and it was tested with a simple spreadsheet mode
The hyetograph is again the third quartile distribution of heavy rainfall at a point. Fractional volumes were
quantified with a simple spreadsheet model for a range of Q
ratios, and these results are shown in Figu
re 4
as the Hyetograph Approach. Rather than developing a regression equation from the results, a lookup table
was compiled for inclusion in the LTCP-EZ form, and reproduced here as Table 1. For comparison, Figure 4
also shows the diverted fraction of runoff that would be calculated based on 1- Equation 1.
Fraction of Combined Sewage Untreated at WWTP
Similar to what occurs at a CSO hydraulic control, the fractio
n of combined sewage that overflows at the
WWTP is dependent on the peak rate of sewage delivered to the WWTP and the primary treatment capac
ity at
the WWTP. The estimate of combined sewage that overflows or is untreated at the WWTP (V
) is also based
on Equation 1, but with V
equal to the total volume of sewage conveyed to the WWTP during the 24-hour
rainfall event, Q
equal to primary treatment capacity at the WWTP, and Q
equal to the peak rate of sewag
delivered to the WWTP. Use of Equation 1 for this estimation is also thought to be conservative in that it migh
slightly overestimate rather than underestimate the volume of combined sewage untreated at the WWTP.
The LTCP-EZ Template: A Planning Tool for CSO Control in Small Communities
Figure 1. Conceptual Diagram of Triangular Runoff Hydrograph
Figure 2. Comparison of SWMM Simulated Overflow Volumes with Equation 1.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
set A set B set C equation 1
Appendix B: Hydraulic Calculations within LTCP-EZ SCHEDULE 4 – CSO VOLUME and SCHEDULE 5 – CSO CONTROL
Figure 3. Conceptual Diagram of Calculation of Fraction Diverted
1 3 5 7 9 11131517192123
storm hour
Volum e conveyed is sum of
gray colum ns
Figure 4. Comparison of Fraction Conveyed by Hyetograph Approach versus Equation 1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
hyetograph approach 1 - equation 1
The LTCP-EZ Template: A Planning Tool for CSO Control in Small Communities
Table 1. Fraction of Total Flow Diverted to WWTP from 24-Hour Rainfall
Ratio of Hydraulic control
Capacity to Peak Flow
Diversion Fraction
0.01 to 0.02 0.04
0.02 to 0.03 0.06
0.03 to 0.04 0.09
0.04 to 0.05 0.11
0.05 to 0.06 0.14
0.06 to 0.07 0.16
0.07 to 0.08 0.19
0.08 to 0.09 0.21
0.09 to 0.10 0.24
0.10 to 0.12 0.28
0.12 to 0.14 0.33
0.14 to 0.16 0.38
0.16 to 0.18 0.42
0.18 to 0.20 0.47
0.20 to 0.24 0.54
0.24 to 0.28 0.62
0.28 to 0.32 0.68
0.32 to 0.36 0.72
0.36 to 0.40 0.76
0.41 to 0.50 0.81
0.51 to 0.60 0.87
0.61 to 0.70 0.91
0.71 to 0.80 0.95
0.81 to 0.90 0.98
0.91 to 1.00 0.99
Appendix C
The LTCP-EZ Template: A Planning Tool for CSO Control in Small Communities
This Appendix summarizes some of the cost estimate figures used in the LTCP-EZ Template
Schedule 5 – CSO CONTROLS. Localized and/or site-specific costs should be used when they
are available, as localized data will give the most reliable results. However, EPA recognizes that
localized cost data will not always be available, and therefore EPA has provided several cost
estimates based on national data. Descriptions of how these cost estimates were derived are
provided below.
Line 5 –Unit cost of primary treatment per MGD
EPA’s document “Cost of Urban Storm Water Control” (EPA 600/R-02/021), January 2002, uses
the following equation to estimate construction costs for off-line storage areas:
C = 2980V
C = construction cost ($ millions), in 1999 dollars
V = volume of storage system, in MG
The document indicates that this calculation is valid where 0.15 MG < volume < 30 MG
In addition to this equation, one cost value was collected from the literature. This cost is
summarized below:
1. Chamber Creek WWTP $433,500/MG for primary treatment.
Line 12 - Average roof area of residential dwellings
The Greenbuilder.com website gave charts showing roof sizes from 1,000 – 2,500 ft
, which is a
good range for residential roof area.
Line 15 – Unit cost per dwelling for residential inflow reduction
Residential inflow reduction is handled in many different ways by different municipalities, leading
to disparities in costs quoted for various reduction measures. Some communities rely on the
homeowner to disconnect downspouts and redirect sump pumps (i.e., Milwaukee, Dearborn,
Indianapolis), and these cost estimates tend to be lower than cost estimates for municipalities
that do the work themselves (Detroit, Toronto). Costs for several downspout disconnection
programs are summarized below:
Downspout disconnection
1. Dearborn, MI – up to $60/household reimbursement for residents doing it themselves.
2. Bremerton, WA - $25-$500/household reimbursement for voluntary disconnection,
depending on complexity.
3. Portland, OR - $63/downspout.
Appendix C: Cost Estimate for LTCP-EZ Template, SCHEDULE 5 – CSO CONTROL
4. Indianapolis encourages residents to do it themselves and indicates it should cost less
than $100 apiece.
5. Milwaukee MSD - $15/downspout.
6. Kenmore, WA - $150-$300 per downspout if the city performs the work; $15 if the
homeowner does it.
7. Lynn, MA - $20/downspout reimbursement.
8. Elkhart, IN - $150.
9. South Bend, Indiana - $150/property
10. Vancouver, BC – City provided $100/downspout disconnected.
11. Detroit, Michigan - $243-$278/property.
http://www.wadetrim.com/resources/pub_conf_downspout.pdf (URL no longer available)
Secondary source: http://www.mmsd.com/stormwaterweb/PDFs/Appendix_L.pdf
12. Toronto, Ontario - $180-$220/property.
Summary: Downspout disconnection costs an approximate average of $100/property if
municipalities have residents do it themselves and $250/property if municipalities do it.
Sump pump redirection
1. Lexington, KY - $1,700/residence.
2. Lynn, MA - $500/residence.
Footing Drain Redirection
1. Garden City, MI - $2,000. Other SE Michigan projects have been between $500 and
http://www.wadetrim.com/resources/articles/footing_drn.htm (URL no longer available)
2. Duluth, MN – rebate of $1,800/home.
3. Twin Cities, MN - $500 - $2,000.
4. West Lafayette, IN - $3,500 per building.
The LTCP-EZ Template: A Planning Tool for CSO Control in Small Communities
5. Auburn Hills, MI - $5,000 per building.
6. Riverview, MI - $5,700 per building.
7. Cedar Rapids, IA - $3,500 per building.
8. Ann Arbor - $3,700 per building.
Line 21 – Unit cost for separation per acre
Costs/acre of sewer separated:
1. Seaford, DE: $1,750
2. Skokie/Wilmette, IL: $31,397
3. St. Paul, MN: $17,730
4. Portland, OR: $19,000
5. Providence, RI: $81,000
These costs came from EPA’s Report to Congress: Impacts and Control of CSOs and SSOs,
August 2004 (EPA 833-R-04-001).
6. Portland Maine - $7,352
($5M for 680 acres)
7. Nashville Phase I – $37,910 ($6,634,372 for 175 acres)
8. Nashville Phase II – $23,909 ($12,552,277 for 525 acres)
9. Boston – ranged from $60,000/acre for partially separated residential neighborhoods to
$190,000/acre for completely combined downtown.
10. Atlanta - $41,000/acre.
11. DCWASA - $360,000/acre.
Summary: Sewer separation costs an average of approximately $40,000/acre. This cost can
be higher if the area to be separated is in a congested downtown.
Sewer separation costs per linear foot of sewer separated:
1. Harbor Brook and Clinton sewer separation projects, Syracuse, NY, 2000. Cost was
$2,311,126 for 3812 feet of separated pipe, or $606/ft.
Appendix C: Cost Estimate for LTCP-EZ Template, SCHEDULE 5 – CSO CONTROL
2. Rouge River project - $175-$220/ft (CSO and SSO)
3. Portsmouth, NH - ~$500/ft (personal communication with Peter Rice, City of
Line 24 Unit cost per MG of stor
EPA’s document “Cost of Urban Storm Water Control” (EPA 600/R-02/021), January, 2002,
uses the following equation to estimate construction costs for off-line storage areas:
C = 4.546V
C = construction cost ($ millions), in 1999 dollars
V = volume of storage system, in MG
The document indicates that this calculation is valid where 0.15 MG < volume < 30 MG.
In addition to this equation, a number of cost values were collected from the literature. These
are summarized below:
1. EPA’s Report to Congress: Impacts and Control of CSOs and SSOs, August 2004 (EPA
833-R-04-001). Costs per MG of near surface storage ranged from <$0.10 to
$4.61/gallon, with an average of $1.75 gallon.
2. EPA Combined Sewer Overflow Technology Fact Sheet: Retention Basins (EPA 832-F-
99-032). Costs range from $0.32 to $0.98/gallon.
3. Decatur McKinley - $1.09/gallon.
4. Decatur 7
Ward – $0.76/gallon.
5. Rouge River – range from $2.86 to $8.53/gallon of storage for aboveground facilities.
The average was $5.18/gallon.
6. Driftwood Detention Basin, Nashville - $1.96/gallon.
7. San Francisco - $2.35/gallon.
Summary: On average, near surface storage costs $2.00 per gallon of storage.